Logbook entry

Passengers can be a Gold Mine, or give you the Shaft

02 Nov 2016ED_Recluse
Cargo missions not paying much. Needed a break from Bounty Hunting, so I ripped out the cargo racks from the Asp Explorer and stuck in Passenger cabins.

Got the first passenger run for a single jump of 14 light years for 1.2 million. Easy money.  Then another one for 750,000. Easy money. Both were to planetary installations, so a slight pain but still easy money.

Then I took one for 1.8 million, similar distance except THIS passenger had demand after demand!!
A medical officer heading to a war-torn place....

- Take me to a conflict zone so I can treat casualties.  (Mission success = stay in conflict zone for 2 min 30 seconds, +80,000 CR bonus) Not too bad as I didn't even have to pick a faction so nobody shot at me.

- Source 1 ton of Progenitor Cells for treatment ..  Thanks to INARA I found a station in a  system 1 jump away, but it was still a detour

- Finally headed for the final destination. turned out the station (Planetary of course) was 83,000 light seconds from the star.

So it was a lot of flying around, but no interdictions, no fighting, and almost 2 million credits!

THEN made the mistake of transporting a Criminal Mastermind to Neto for 1.4 Million credits.  Unfortunately got scanned, and immediately destroyed JUST entering the toast rack.  Out not only the 1.4 million, but the 2 million rebuy on the Asp for a measly 1700 Credit bounty. Trigger happy Pixel Bandit Security Forces!!

EASILY made this up AND MORE being more selective with passenger missions and a few sightseeing jaunts. Had one mishap trying to land at Green Keep in Frigaha.  Don't know what happened, but kept overheating and overshooting and my hull cracked down to 15%. My passenger was going ballistic and miserable, and even though Green Keep was the ultimate destination and I got him there (more or less) in one piece, he stiffed me on the almost 2 million credit fare!

Being more selective and stacking missions, I've been racking up probably 5-7 million an hour all in relatively short jumps. Checking the System Map more now to avoid the stations that are tens of thousands of light seconds out from the star unless the money is really good.  

Made one goof and took another fare to Neto where I still have the dormant bounty from the Criminal transport. Luckily I managed to zip in and out cold without getting scanned.  NOT going back there till I can pay off the bounty. Not worth getting destroyed again for 1700 credits!!!!!

So far the Galactic Uber business is great and I am getting to see some tourist attractions and collect exploration data.  Life is good and the bank account has me looking for the next ship purchase.

Fly safe Commanders,  and keep those Rich Tourists coming!!
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