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Perhaps I am not a Miner after all!

20 Feb 2016ED_Recluse
So, flush with cash from Bounty Hunting and finishing in the money in some CG's, I decided to buy a new Cobra to go with my Vulture and Cobra outfitted for combat/trade specifically for mining.  Looked up some mining builds on CORIOLIS.io and watched some training videos.

Set up my Cobra and realized to my horror that once I had the refinery, prospector Limpet controller and Collector Controller, there was no room for a Docking Computer. My horribly atrophied from already not very good docking skills would prove a big frustration, second only perhaps to the 5 bin refinery and the need to vent some good stuff from time to time and constantly toggle back to the refinery screen to deal with "UNALLOCATED RESOURCES".  Was looking for a cheap 4C Refinery but ended up buying the more expensive 2A 6 binner after failing to find the other one at several outfitters.  Finally ditched the Prospector Limpet for the docking computer as well.  My Cobra Miner ended up costing a whole lot more than I had thought, but I am still in the money.

Will report back on whether or not the extra bin makes mining any less frustrating!!
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