Logbook entry

Enemy Mine (I am my own worst enemy!)

21 Feb 2016ED_Recluse
So, mining is going a bit better with a 6 bin refinery. Get to keep most of the good stuff. I have been finding a lot of Osmium which I thought would be a good payday because I used to always see Bulletin Board missions paying good money for sourcing Osmium. Now that I have a hold full of it, all anyone wants is PLATINUM, of which, sadly, I have none.

I got to the point where I figured out how to use my Collector Limpets without having them self destruct crashing into an asteroid while going about their business. So on the plus side, they last a lot longer, on the minus side, I actually filled up my cargo hold with the 7 remaining limpets taking up space. Every time I tried to jettison a limpet or a relatively poor paying ore, the little limpet brought things back! Finally expired one and cleared some space just in time to find that the belt cluster was pretty well depleted. I headed off to another cluster and no sooner did I get there that I was jumped by a Pirate in an Eagle. I was more than ready to flex my Beam Laser muscles, and I THOUGHT he had already attacked me, but I guess he hadn't, and I ripped away his shields before the SCAN finished and I got hit with a 400 credit bounty. Once the scan finished, I took him out (3300 credit bounty), and then turned to engage what I thought was his wingmate, a Viper Mk. III who had already taken some potshots at me. Too late, I realized it was a Cop!! The Federal Security Service must have been shooting at me due to my wanted status in engaging the Pirate Eagle! I boosted and Supercruised out of there, left the system and will pay my 800 credits when the 9 minute bounty expires.

Made a little money on the bounty and the mining take, selling off half the Osmium and holding on to the rest in case a good Bulletin Board request shows up.

Meanwhile, going to give mining a few more shots and then go get my Vulture out of mothballs and return to serious credit making Bounty Hunting with my Wolfpack buddies.

Great fun to explore the many Elite Dangerous activities available in the big bad Galaxy!
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