Logbook entry

Good experiences in OPEN space

02 Mar 2016ED_Recluse
Thanks to some advice from another INARA Commander,   I made a rare trip to  OPEN Play for some CG runs to LHS 3447 and some Mining. My usual wingmates were in Private Group but we chatted on voice comms and were far enough apart and doing different things, that the Open/Private thing didn't matter.

Ran into MANY human Commanders, all, of whom were very nice.  One warned me that he had been bounced by some  Griefers and was looking for revenge, but on my trips into Worlidge and mining the belt, I luckily had no incidents and chatted with many fine Cmdrs.  There was one Cmdr in a Sidewinder CLEAN (and new by the rankings) who was just kind of shadowing me as I mined the asteroid belt. Didn't respond to any hails.

Quite a different feeling in open than PRIVATE when seeing an icon for a Human Cmdr is a source for both initial wariness and with luck, eventual camaraderie.

With the grinding 100,000 LS cruise into Worlidge from the LHS 3447 system entry point, chatting certainly helped pass the time!!

Despite my paltry contributions, the increased tier in the "Metals to Worlidge" jacked up my reward!  Hope I can stay in the money.
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