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Seeing the other side of Interdiction

25 Mar 2016ED_Recluse
I've been interdicted countless times. Always a little clueless about avoiding it. Aim for the escape vector, keep the blue bar increasing. Sometimes it seems like I should be escaping, and don't, other times it seems like I shouldn't be anywhere close to escape and yet I do.

Honestly, when flying the Vulture, I just automatically zero the throttle and take the bounty off the would-be interdictor unless it is a big ship like an Anaconda or FDS/FAS. On occasion if their combat ranking is fairly low I will take the fight to them as well.

Now I see the OTHER side of Interdiction. No, I haven't gone Rogue. As mentioned in the last log, I took a Mission to kill 36 Pirates in the Ekuru system. No RES, so I replaced my Advanced Discovery Scanner with a Class B2 FSD Interdictor on the Vulture's internals.

Long story short, I am 23/36 with almost 2 days to go. Looking good! Some of the targets were located at Unidentified/Unkown/Weak/Strong Signal Source points with no Interdiction necessary.

Long story slightly longer... I am TERRIBLE at Interdiction!! As the mechanics of Interdiction and Evasion are pretty much the same, I am similarly unsure how to maximize success, but have been doing pretty well nonetheless. I would say my rate of success is about 40-50% but again, I don't always know what actually resulted in success vs. failure.

Going to try and finish the mission tonight. I think I will bait my hold with some choice cargo and let the Pirates come to ME. I can Zero the Throttle no problem!
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