Cmdr T1-Jafo
Freelancer / Smuggler
Registered ship name
MFS Ghost Inferno
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk IV T1J-09
Overall assets
Squadron 11
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

Don't laugh, it could happen to you

05 Mar 2018T1-Jafo
While tens of thousands of light years outside the bubble, I was pressing my luck pretty hard.   “Just one more system; jump in, honk and map and I will call it quits for the night.”    That was the last thing I remember thinking when I suddenly woke up to a ship spinning aimlessly out of control.  

While jumping between systems, I fell asleep at the helm.  Only to wake up and discover I had jumped into a White Dwarf system.    Controls were unresponsive, modules going offline, sparks and flames starting to emerged inside the cockpit.    My Asp Explorer continued to spin out of control faster and faster until the inertia caused me to black out.     I woke up for a brief moment only to hear the ship’s COVAD say:  “Eject! Eject! Eject”.    Hundreds of Millions worth of exploration data and first discoveries were gone forever.   Not to mention the lost INF that our minor faction desperately needed in various systems.

Warning this can be painful to watch; after I realized there was nothing else I could do to save my ship,  I took advantage of the situation to get some external video shots.  

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