Cmdr T1-Jafo
Freelancer / Smuggler
Registered ship name
MFS Ghost Inferno
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk IV T1J-09
Overall assets
Squadron 11
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

Interdicted then accused of cheating

27 Feb 2021T1-Jafo
Interdicted by a Corvette, almost immediately knocked out my shield generator; however, I did not need it anyway as you can see, I held my own.  
After being rammed, my hull was staying around 56%.  

If you watch the coms, ( I missed it first time around or I would have replied), I get accused of cheating.   He said something about hull not going down although being hit by his SLF.   If you watch closely, my temps were very low, and his SLF was NOT able to maintain a lock on.

After he left without even saying "GG " ( again I missed his coms first time around), I continued with my data terminal scan mission.    After scanning the terminal the installation opened fire, (of course), taking my hull down to 19%.  Yet, I managed to make it off of the planet and safely back to Musa al-Khwarizmi.  

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