Cmdr Urania Minora
Explorer / Scientist
Registered ship name
Mercury Star Runner
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom MS-R
Overall assets
Intergalactic Astronomical Union

Logbook entry

Commander's Log: Julian Date 2928336.732

31 May 2019Urania Minora
It's been almost a month now since I miraculously got out of that hell hole space station, and started being a real explorer and astrophysicist.
Funny thing about that...

I'm now wondering if the "tourist" who gifted me that Dolphin was a Federal Intelligence plant.  
A little while ago, as I was headed back to the Cannon a man stopped me, and said:

"Section 42 helped get you out of a bad spot, consider yourself recruited for a mission, as a way to return the favor."

My terse reply wasn't really language that should be repeated in a log, and of course, with a sly grin he said:

"Oh, such language doesn't suit a woman with your scientific background, plus what does my mother have to do with this? On a side note, do you know the penalty for smuggling Biological Weapons within Federal space?

"I wouldn't know" I said rather hastily, trying to walk faster out of the secluded passageways, and back to the loading dock area.
For once I actually wanted to be around a lot of people.

Next thing I knew, the creep grabbed my arm, and nearly pushed me up against a window, where I saw a crowd of Federal Security forces swarming upon the Cannon

"Life.... on a prison ship." He barked, adding: "That's if the magistrate doesn't try you as a war criminal or pirate. They do that, you'll hang."

"Look, I'm absolute shit at combat," I said, "and not a particularly good pilot. I belong at a research university, but the only way to get the data I need for a faculty appointment is to visit the actual systems.
Since I can't pay someone to fly to the spots for me, I have to go.  
Not sure what use I'd be to you, and I'm sure once Federal Security reviews my jump logs, they'll see that cargo was someone else's and got loaded by mistake."

"NO, YOU LOOK" he said, as he pointed to the nearest view screen which now showed a Security Alert with my Pilot's License image.  [ARMED AND DANGEROUS - APPREHEND ON SIGHT]
"You agree to help us, and I'll make this whole misunderstanding go away. Say anything else about my mother, and you'll end up on the wrong side of an airlock, got it?"
"Say I do decide to help." I quipped. "You still haven't told me what I'd be doing!"

"What you do best" he said rather smugly. "Go out and explore. After I clear that weapons mix-up with Federal Security, we'll go to your bridge, and I will upload the jump coordinates to your nav computer.  As yet another token of Section 42's generosity, we've included several interesting, and unexplored systems. By the time you get back, you'll be a multi billionaire, and can start your own Science Corporation instead of slumming it with those freaks at Canonn Research Group. Buy yourself a fleet of ships, equipped with G5 gear, and fancy Guardian upgrades.

"Okay" I said. "Let's go and see what magic you pull out of your ass to fix this. If I don't get shot on sight, I'll take the job.
"Good call." he whispered.

We walked out to the loading dock area. Sure enough, the moment we walked out, the security forces took notice, aimed their weapons at us, and called for us to lay on the ground.

Almost as soon as they finished barking orders, their weapons powered down, the PA system in the loading docks chirped a tone, and an automated voice said:
"All security units stand down. Federal Intelligence override protocol in effect."

The mysterious man yelled out:
"Frye, Federal Intelligence. This young woman is with me. She graciously allowed her ship to be used as part of an unscheduled security test. Your security scans didn't catch this? I'll be reporting you all to your superiors. You'll be lucky to get work at a mining colony when I'm done. Now stop staring, unload that cargo from her ship, and secure it."

The creep looked at me and winked. "Let's get you to your ship, miss. Federal Intelligence thanks you for your cooperation."

Made a shiver go down my spine. I've held my own in a few bar fights, and knocked a fair number of men twice my size flat on their asses, but this "Frye" really creeped me out, especially after the entire station security shut down after the security forces aimed their laser rifles at him.  

I can't go into the rest of the details, for obvious reasons, and I don't know when (if at all) my next log update will be.

"Frye" said if I try to make any communications outside of standard undocking requests, or attempt to deviate from the flight path, my ship will execute the "Jameson" protocol.  Whatever that means.  

Time to head out into the black...
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