Cmdr Urania Minora
Explorer / Scientist
Registered ship name
Mercury Star Runner
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom MS-R
Overall assets
Intergalactic Astronomical Union

Logbook entry

Commander's Log: Julian Date 2928385.840

19 Jul 2019Urania Minora
Well, "Frye" or whatever his name is was right....  I wonder if he was really with Federal Intelligence, Section 42, or if he's part of another organization.
I hear there are remnants of INRA still operating in dark places. Then again you hear a lot at starport bars.  Raxxla, Dark Wheel, AEGIS shenanigans, etc.

Upon landing at Thompson Dock in Varati, COVAS auto uploaded data and I received an updated credit balance from central banking...

1,167,759,614 credits.  Amazing how in a few short months, one can go from less than zero, to over a billion in the bank.

A flurry of GalNet articles popped into my HUD - looks like the transceiver on the Cannon was completely disabled during my little "mission".
Good thing it was smooth sailing and I didn't need to eject. I imagine the escape pod would have likely suffocated me, or let me drift in cyrosleep through uncharted space for a few hundred years.

The new private message indicator started glowing bright orange.  

[New Message]

Subject: Great Work!
Sender: Anonymous

"Urania Minora,

We received the data you sent, and have already begun processing the telemetry.

Excellent work on the system scans, and planetary data.  We've passed along a few of your findings to the Pilots Federation.
Attached is a data file with a list of your findings suitable for the research paper you've been working on.

As a token of our appreciation, we've also transferred several ships to you. We did a bit of digging and found a few of your old ships.
That Type-7 we lent you is now yours as well.  Don't worry about the previous owners.....  they'll not be needing those ships (or any ships for that matter) any time soon.
Figured you might want them back. You seem like the nostalgic type. We've also transferred a brand new Krait MK II to you.

Given the recent change in Thargoid activity, we may need all the help we can get.  
Since you are an expert on Guardian technology, we suggest you gather the materials to equip the Krait MK II with Guardian Gauss Cannons, Shield Boosters, and the XG9 Lance Fighter craft.

As it stands now, your net worth seems to be about 2.5 billion credits.  You've earned it.  

We also sent word to the Pilots Federation to fix that mix-up with your initial pilot's license - your official records now have your first and last name.

We'll be in touch.


Seems like these folks, whoever they are, won't ever let an "asset" out of their grip.  No such thing as a free lunch, eh?  
Could be worse though.  Pretty sure I would have ended up on the wrong side of an airlock if I hadn't been gifted that Dolphin, and ten million credits.

Then again, even being associated with whoever this shadow group is could land me in a prison ship, or worse.

Tomorrow I'll submit the draft of my research paper to Canonn Research Group - had plenty of time to work on it during my expedition since the ship damn near flew itself.
Should probably pull up station maps and take inventory of these "gift" ships that somehow turned up in my name.

For now though, I need a drink, and a bacon cheeseburger, with real bacon, real beef, and real cheese.  
Might cost me a bit, but I can afford it.  No more algae paste and gin distilled in FSD coils.
Do you like it?
︎3 Shiny!
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