Cmdr Urania Minora
Explorer / Scientist
Registered ship name
[IGAU] Sabre
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Mandalay AEGS
Overall assets
Intergalactic Astronomical Union
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

"Stellar Distribution of Galactic Phenomena" Julian Date 2928419.774

22 Aug 2019Urania Minora
Takes a little bit of time to send and receive GalNet data when 27,000 light years away from HQ.....  

Glad I parked Annie on a cold, dusty moon for the night.  The high gain antenna was aligned perfectly, and Galnet updates filled the display screen.
I also noticed the personal message indicator glowing bright orange.  Almost punched the display, thinking it was Frye and more of his "club" or "Section 42" b.s.

[New Message]

Subject: Re: Latest Draft: "Stellar Distribution of Galactic Phenomena"
Sender: Pilots Federation

Ms. Urania,

Thanks for contacting the Pilots Federation, and providing this paper, it's great to see actual scientists out in deep space!

Impressive stuff, thank you for sending this along to us. Looking at your records, we see you also reached "Elite" exploration rank in near record time. Nice work out in the black!

We have passed on your request to have a research outpost with large telescopes built on Oevasy SG-Y d0 B 5 to the appropriate teams, but we cannot promise anything at this time.

Congratulations on your upcoming publication with Canonn Interstellar Research Group, and your pending Doctorate.

Best Wishes,

CMDR Alicorn
Pilots Federation Communications Office


OUCH! Forgot I was still strapped into the pilot chair, and tried to jump up in joy.  That's......gonna leave a mark, and not the kind I enjoy.  

Hot damn! Recognition from the Pilots Federation and maybe, just maybe, an observation outpost on the opposite side of Sgr A*!

Might have one more round of editing to do on the paper, at this point it is safe to share for everyone, so I've attached a copy of the latest draft to this log entry.

I usually don't drink on the ship's bridge, however this calls for some Centauri Mega-Gin and a Kamitra Cigar...


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