Report 8-8-3305 FDN-R8
08 Aug 2019Owltruistic87
I've been stuck in Professor Palin's labratory for a day now. The Nelson is undergoing significant thruster modification and I think we've finally hammered out what was causing that rattle during high-g maneuvers. The professor mentioned that this should drastically improve the Nelson's ability to turn and naturally, improve straight line speed but the cost for this project was immense. I spent what felt like an eternity aboard the Discovery traveling 5,000ly away from home, only to turn around and look for sensor fragments at a downed Intercepter site to appease him into taking on my fleet. Tonight once I come aboard the Nelson to take her back towards Namte I plan on passing through Neritus. I hope some unlucky pirate decides to submit to a little field test of sorts.