Logbook entry

At the Void's Edge

05 Apr 2022Skullever

Here I stand; behind me, a sight that few others will ever get the chance to see. A glimpse beyond the stars, into the infinite black that lurks at the edge of our meagre existence. Never before have I felt so humbled. I've helped end pirate rebellions, expanded Federal influence, hunted criminals and terrorists to make the galaxy a better place; but what I see before me makes me question if it ever meant anything, if I'll leave any footprint at all when I'm gone. Will any of us, or are we all just as insignificant as a lone glimmering star in an infinite sea of darkness? I'll try not to let the feeling of dread overtake me as I ponder that question, and instead focus on another: What else is out there?

Beyond our worlds, our powers, our light, our galaxy; what is waiting for us? Maybe someday I'll discover the answer. Or maybe I'm just hurtling into an infinite void, desperate to leave my mark on an empty existence. Guess I'll find out.

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