New ships, new voyage, old failures
08 Feb 2020Onkeldata
0602082105I had a little trading spree in my new type-7. I like the brick, I have to say, it is a very well behaved ship. But, not very exiting. So, I hopped back in my Challenger, and killed some that needed killing. And, once again, saw that my best ship ever still needs some engineering. And I need the materials.
So many commanders swear by the ASP Explorer, but to the best of my knowledge, I never had one. So I bought one, called her the IOS Afterthought, equipped her to Lasermining, snd put a scarab in, targeted the heart nebula and flew of. I enjoyed my Crew squabbling, did some FSSs of already scanned systems just because, made a mental note to get a FUCKING SURFACE SCANNER at the next Station, and found a nice planet to land and harvest.
Commanders, when you shut your COVAS off to let your crew speak without getting interupted, and to your biggest surprise explode instead of landing on the planet, then get a bloody flask of ink, a needle, and paint in your right back hand: "I SHALL NOT FORGET THE FUCKING LANDING GEAR!" 50 times.
Commander Onkeldata off, I have to buy some ink.