Logbook entry

29 Jun 2022Blackvertigo1
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:::Archived file:::
Last transmission: Jun 5, 3308
Location: Sat*A, Sol, Earth
Sender: [REDACTED]
Recipient: Leo
:::Opening File:::

Hello, it has been 1,278 years A.D. Since last transmission. Please take note carefully,
you have been recalled for service in NATO, which is now known as the Federation. After leaving a cold trail after
the populance on Earth has been sucessful in reaching local star systems. You are required to report to Earth for all four
of you. Please read archive 000-00-01:


It has been a few years after the disappearence of radio handle's Micheal-Delta Ten-Thirt-Two, Ten-Sixty-Four,
One-Twenty-Two-Hundred-Eight, and One-Fifty-One-Two. All MD's are report status pending. Its been four years since the reveal
of these four. Only one out of four is currently in contact. No new reports suggest surfacing of all other three MD's.


Ever since return of the four Material Defenders, the world has gone through World War III. Since their departure,
power grabs and coups have risen and fallen.

::RECIPIENT READ: Isabelle::


Leo is requested to join Federation once again in the persuit of securing our defences, trade escorts,
and any activity regarding the integrity of deep space or front line interdiction. Also to assist any and all allies
of the Federation. You have been given some resources and ships for the task, its all we can offer right now, please
see to it that all other than your personal ship will be subject to the task at hand. Thank you for understanding,
It is recommened to retain your material space ship for our equipment that we have given you, treat it well.

Data on Leo:
Leo is a male augumented domestic feline humanoid. Which to DNA tests and other scans precend all ability and
structure. He is 6'1" 185 lbs. Grey and white coat, with white socks on hands and feet. Notability for his extensive
understanding and use of mathmatics. He has sharp claws, teeth, and acute hearing and sight, just like Aeris. Leo
has a material space ship known as the "Pyro-GL". Which he can recall or dismiss upon verbal command, just like the other
three. Each ship is unique to each Material Defender, which are four total.

Data on Aeris:
Aeris is a female augmented domestic feline humanoid. For just like Leo's physical traits, she has hightend preception
and dexterity, also with the features Leo has, Aeris has a pink and white coat, same phyiscal feline traits as Leo. She has a
habit of high charismatic outlook due to her 'soft' features. Aeris has a material spaceship known as the "Black Pyro".

Data on Dietmar:
Dietmar is a male augmented domestic canine, specifically a german shepard. He's 6'4" and 210 lbs. Has extensive strength,
smell, and hearing. He has matching patterns in his coat that make what german shepards unique. Dietmar has also a ship known as
the "Pheonix".

Data on Isabelle:
Isabelle is a female augmented domestic canine, specifically a shiztu, she is 6'2", and 195 lbs. With same hearing
traits that Dietmar has, with her fenese she can turn on a dime. She has a yellow and white coat, and her ship is called
a "Magnum-AHT".

Closing file 000-00-01...
Updating registry...
:File Sealed:
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