Logbook entry

Possible lost interview with Dragon Wing CMDR

06 Feb 2016Seren Du
The following is a previously unreleased transcript of an interview with CMDR Space Spartan 117. The interviewer is unknown and the original file, was found floating on the outer edges of Alpha Fornacis.
Its unknown if this is a true representation of the newly formed “Dragon Wing” as no other interviews have been found, to date:

We have titled the people we believed to be in the interview:

[undefined microphone noise].....
Interviewer : ….So[noise]ry…...think this is on now…..
SS 117 : not a promising start there, bit new to this are we?
INT : …..[more noise] No no, this is my second full interview…..just new equipment [beep]

End of file

INT : Good morning Cmdr, thank you for taking the time to speak with me.
SS 117: No worries, I'm a little surprised at your request to be honest.

INT: We thank you anyway,.. I am trying to interview all new and upcoming factions within the bubble. I found your new group in a sub, on a community blog. I am interested in old earth groups and how they are progressing out in the galaxy.
[load bang]
INT: Sorry i can edit that out…….as I was saying I have noticed you appear to be the first of the Welsh to set up a dedicated faction?

SS 117: yes is seems we are, I put a request out, a few weeks ago for fellows from the ‘old world’. Had a fairly decent response.
INT: So what prompted you to do so?

SS 117: There is so much pressure from Fed and Empire based factions, to join them and support the ‘mighty fight against whoever’, also the state of piracy in mining systems, is getting rather annoying. New pilots are getting hammered because the larger factions just can't be [explicit] with patrolling the resource points properly. So me n a few lads decided to form up and hopefully start a system where miners can be safe…….well safer…...

[.....unexplained interference]........knows better about mining than the Welsh.?

INT: So not agriculture then?
SS 117: ……..are you insinuating something?

INT: Oh gawd no….
SS 117: Listen here, we came to Alpha Fornacis simply because it was unruly. the local governments simply didn't care what is happening to their citizens. The fact that we are trying to start a Welsh faction should not mean little [explicit] like you come here and insinuate [explicit] anything…….if the next words outta your mouth contain anything to do with farm animals there is an airlock over there….


end of file


[noise for 2 mins]


end of file


INT: Please accept my apologies, It was not my intention to insinuate anything negative towards you and your group.
SS 117: Ok…..but you can imagine at the the moment tension is rather high, although we have a foot hold here, we don't know yet if the public in this system will accept us....old traditions run high here and so do old grudges.

INT:......no no fair enough.[silence]

INT: So what is it you and your wing plan to do?

SS117: Well first we plan to simply gain a say in the systems governing. We don't want to rule per say, however we do feel Hudson has had his day here. Simply,.. we want a system where miners can be safe. After that it's more of helping the rest of the community to achieve its goals. We do a fair amount of long range missions and exploration. Also it gives us somewhere to call home and for others, of our brethren,to call home…

INT: A real welcome in the hillsides?[laughter]

SS117: [laughter]....so to speak, though I've never seen a Valley. Was born in space. The old boys used to talk about them though, so in my heart I feel them. Maybe one day I will go to the old home….
INT: that sounds good, ‘nice bit of banter with the boys init’....

SS117: What?
INT: [change of voice], well you know init, bit of banter with the boys n then down to…...Barry see if we can…..pick up a tart or two……
SS 117: Thats the worse accent I have ever heard! What the [explicit] hell do you think you're doing?!

INT: What?? ….well I um…..just…….[scuffling sounds]
SS 117: Thought what exactly?.....c’mon……
INT: Well I found these old vids……

SS 117: Vids?.........
INT: Well…….i couldn't find much in the time i had…….
SS 117:...go on….
INT:[more scuffling sounds].......um…..ummm……..Taff wars……...Gavin and……..

SS 117: RIGHT YOU LITTLE [explicit] tard!.......I've had enough of you. Do you seriously think that's appropriate? 3303 and still [explicit] stereotyped…….
INT: but…….but……..but
SS 117: What? Expect me to break open a can of ‘Special Brew’ n go sing ‘ Bread of Evan’ with the boyos? [explicit] sake…...can't even get the stuff any more….
INT:.....sorry…...sorry…….please……..NO NO...take your hands of me!.....im sorry sorry….

[unknown noises]


end of file


SS 117: relax, i'm not going to hurt you. Heres your ship. I recommend getting on and not coming back. Oh and work on your interview technique…..or think of a different line of work.
INT: yes yes……
[machine sounds]
INT: Sheep…….

SS 117 : Your [explicit] coms are open you numpty! I [explicit] heard that!
INT: [laughter]
SS 117: OI SEREN…….SEREN. Get that big arsed ship out the dock...yeah yeah just go play with your cannons you keep talking about…..this little shi…….


end of file

end of recording
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