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HasRes coms transcript 1

06 Feb 2016Seren Du
Following transcript is from the Dragon Wing (currently Alpha Fornacis).

Caught on a random coms recording while in HasRes in home system.

Entry: 06022016#
Date: file corrupted#
Coms Channel: Alpha 9
CMDRS: Space Spartan 117, Tech’kai, Spartanck7, Banzai, Seren Du.

[wing open comms]:

Tech’kai: Having a little trouble with this DropShip….
Spartanck7: Well…..he is Elite….Asp are great but...
Tech’kai: …….dont dis my Asp….she just needs bigger shields.

SS 117: Guys c’mon now...lets just concentrate on dropping him. Tech’kai let Seren take first shot…..Seren I may be able to see what's going on if the [explicit] end of your Corvette wasn't stuck to the front of my {explicit] Shields.

[Engine boost sounds]

Seren Du: I cant help it...can't you watch where I am flying? I mean she is rather a large Lady so you can't exactly miss her….

Tech’kai: Seen smaller asteroids flown better...
Seren Du: [explicit] off [explicit]....whose Elite here?

[laughter across coms]

Spartanck7: You going to take the shot or what dude?
Seren Du: Well your flaming Vulture is right in front of my Cannons…….

Tech’kai:.......not the cannons again…..

SS 117: Look someone better take the first shot on the [explicit], otherwise he's going to continue to killing miners.

Seren Du: Fine fine! Ill do it…..

[cannon and laser fire detected]

Seren Du: Shields down happy now!

Spartanck7: Yes…...anyway, has anyone seen Banzai recently I thought he was joining us today.

SS 117: Nice his Hulls down to 12 percent…….he mumbled something about cashing in a CG…...he was on coms just now……

Spartanck7: Really…..let me check…...yup he's still on coms but not saying anything….OI Banzai where are you?..

Banzai: [static]

Tech’kai; Drop Ships making a run for it…….

Seren Du: He should be mass locked by me so can't go far……

[engine noise]

SS 117: dammit can't quite catch the little [explicit].

[warning proximity alert siren on multiple channels]

SS 117, Spartanck7, Tech’kai: SEREN GET OUT THE WAY!!!!

[incoming supercuise disengage]
[weapons salvo detected]
[exploding ship sound]

SS 117: Who the [explicit] got him?

Banzai: Ship goes boom!

[end of file]
[transcript ends]
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