Logbook entry

LOG #002 - CSF Specialist A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

LOGIN USER: csfspc3283aa3307c064
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W e l c o m e     U s er

Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #002
RECORDING TYPE: Internal Suit Log
RECORDING LOCATION: Kruger 60 B 1 (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

:: Sound Recognition Linked to Suit ::

:[ADAIR]: ...T̵̢ḩ̶́̕͠is th̸́͠į̵̧́́n͏̛̕͢g... m̛̀͟e̵̷͠ ̧͡t̡̀͞͏į̶̴m̛͝҉̸͝é̛͜͠҉ ̸̢̡̧̀t҉̷̸̶̨o̶̷̶͟ ̛̀s̴̵̀̀e͡t up... there we go. Alright... This is Specialist Lyric, again... second logbook... I'm in field right now, recording this in my suit... We just made contact a few hours ago with the other team... And I'm a little out of breath... like damn, they're... very, very good. We've lost a lot of our territory on the front-line. My squad lead has ordered our squad to fall back to one of our more strategic positions to defend it... since Team Blue is pushing a flank not too far from it. Supposedly, they expect Blue forces to attack the position we're headed to... but if you ask me, it just seems like a distraction. A lot of Blue's forces are focused on that one flank, but it's very clearly not all their forces...

:: silence, breathing ::

:[ADAIR]: Evidently, they're planning something. Not sure what... but, we have to make sure they don't pull it off, else this whole training is going to be a big disappointment for the Red Team. Ah, jeez... I forgot how easily exhausted you can get in this damn suit... So claustrophobic.

According to the map, we're just a few klicks out from the point. Just a little while longer...

:: breathing, audible footsteps ::

:[ADAIR]: They weren't joking when they said this would be harder than the rest of training... Though... here I was, thinking it was some friendly competition... but it's pretty obvious that Team Blue wants to win at any cost... and based off how many of their forces they deployed, that's correct...

:: unidentifiable radio chatter ::

:[ADAIR]: Right, I have to go now. My SL is calling me. Let's hope I don't get taken out of the match... and maybe I'll be able to make a third log.

====================RECORDING END====================

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