Logbook entry

LOG #003 - CSF Specialist A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

LOGIN USER: csfspc3283aa3307c064
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W e l c o m e     U s er

Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #003
RECORDING LOCATION: Kruger 60 B 1 (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

:: Sound Recognition Linked to Radio ::

:: incoming weapons fire detected ::

:[RADIO : CPT. LUCAS]: Sṕ̨̛́e̸̸͠c̡̀i̡̛͠àl̸̴̶͝i... S̢̀͢p̸̶̢̀͢e͠͞c̀i̡͜͠alist! Listen!
:[RADIO : SPC. ADAIR]: ... Y-yes sir!
:[RADIO : CPT. LUCAS]: Get your nerves together and pay attention! Opposing forces are pushing the line, can you see that?!
:[RADIO : SPC. ADAIR]: Yes sir... We can't hold this position! There's just too many!
:[RADIO : CPT. LUCAS]: It would appear so. Listen up, Specialist. Take Adrian, Marak and Robin with you, and divert North through the Echo canyo-...
:: outgoing gunfire detected ::

:[RADIO : SPC. ADAIR]: Just the four of us?
:[RADIO : CPT. LUCAS]: Let me finish! The blues have concentrated their assault to our west. The Echo canyon is relatively undefended because of that. I'm counting on you to lead the three of you through the canyon, which will allow you break out the blockade and get behind the enemy. You can sabotage the enemy logistics line once you've broken out, it's supplying their assault and providing a route for their troops to traverse the battleground with relative ease.
:[RADIO : SPC. ADAIR]: I can't do it, Captai-...
:[RADIO : CPT. LUCAS]: Specialist, I don't care if you can do it or not! If we want to win this thing and show our Commanders what we're made of, you'll do as I say! You don't want to disappoint Idaho, mark my words!
:: continuous gunfire + background radio chatter detected ::

:[RADIO : SPC. ADAIR]: Alright sir... So, we break out, sabotage the enemy's main path with whatever equipment we have, and you think it'll damage this attack?
:[RADIO : CPT. LUCAS]: They're so focused on us right now that if you redirect their resources, it'll allow us to gain the upper hand. Now, stop asking questions, and get it done, Specialist!
:[RADIO : SPC. ADAIR]: Yes sir.

====================RECORDING END====================

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