Logbook entry

LOG #004 - CSF Specialist A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #004
RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

We pulled it off! I can't believe it... We actually pulled it off.

Well, I should probably explain what I'm talking about first... Today, we just finished training, and we've now all been made official members of Centurion... but before that, we had to complete that big non-lethal team-vs-team exercise. At first, it felt like my team, the Red team, was going to lose because... well, we could just see that Blue was trying harder in every way. We almost did lose, at one point, because they were closing in on our HQ.

Then, our Captain ordered me along with some of the others to sneak out of the battle and try sabotage their logistics line... Well, we did, and to be honest, getting there was surprisingly easy. I suppose the Blues got so arrogant they left the majority of their flank undefended, not expecting us to break out. One of the strategic points along their assault had a lot of their vehicles and equipment, so... well, I guess I just did my job. Unwired the vehicle controls, hacked their equipment crates shut, stuff like that.

I didn't really believe this could ruin their whole assault... but... it did. They were really dependent on that equipment to supply their assault, as you could just see they were burning through ammo like crazy. A lot of the vehicles there were used to transport the troops back and forth to resupply, and without that... well, it kind of just fell to pieces.

Feels crazy to be responsible for that... The others say we turned the tide of the battle, but I can't really... envision that. It's a hard thing to imagine. I do owe it to my captain and the others, though. We even got noticed by the Commanders, so I'd say that's a win. Either way, being an official member in the task force feels good... And now, I can finally get some rest for real. Not sure how many more of these logs I'll record, but I dunno... I kind of like them, even if I'm just talking to myself half the time.

Anyway... It's exciting to see what's going to come next for us here. Here's to the future. This is Adair, signing off for now.

====================RECORDING END====================

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