Logbook entry

LOG #015 - CSF Specialist A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

LOGIN USER: csfspc3283aa3307c064
LOGIN PASS: •••••••••••••••••••••••••
W e l c o m e     U s er

Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #015
RECORDING TYPE: Internal Suit Log
RECORDING LOCATION: Unknown, ZERO-G (auto-detected)
====================RECORDING START====================

:: Sound Recognition Linked to Suit ::
:: intense breathing ::

:: WARNING: User Hyperventilating ::

:[ADAIR]: I... I c... can't... can't stop spinn... spinning... Oh god... oh god...

:: heavy breathing ::

:[ADAIR]: Need... to calm... down... Holy [expletive deleted]... the... carrier... it's getting f... further...

:: breathing ::

:[ADAIR]: Okay... Okay... I'm calm... I'm calm. Not... not hurtling through space... Everything is okay...
:[ADAIR]: :: sighs :: I'd... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in a bit of a situation right now... I just... I just got ejected out of an airlock.

:: slight laughter ::

:[ADAIR]: Great job, Aurora... already getting ejected out of airlocks.
:[ADAIR]: ... Not... intentionally. Well, no... It was intentional... just not by me. I... we were chasing down... some suspects aboard the carrier. We got a hit on who those "EMBER" people were...
:[ADAIR]: Some... some kind of secretive research cult, I guess... The-... they're small... We think they're small. At least... w-we... we didn't find anyone else.

:: breathing ::

:[ADAIR]: It's... complicated... We were chasing them down, and they cornered themselves in... in one of the emergency airlocks. Said t-they'd pull... pull the switch.
:[ADAIR]: We tried to de-escalate it but.... one of them... he... he was a security officer... Pulled a gun... [expletive deleted]... The-... We... We shot him...
:[ADAIR]: One of the others... he was in an EVA suit... Jumped and... and hit the emergency vent switch.
:[ADAIR]: You can... guess the rest... I can't focus...
:[ADAIR]: I'm... I'm scared... God... I've... I've never felt so scared before...

:: silence, breathing ::

:[ADAIR]: T-... This could... could be my last logs... I just realised that...
:[ADAIR]: The carrier isn't f-fully online... How... How are they going to find me?
:[ADAIR]: Oh god... Oh god. No no no no...

:: WARNING: Temperature Low ::

:[ADAIR]: I'll.... I'll keep making logs. At least if... [expletive deleted]... If I don't make it... they... might find my logs.
:[ADAIR]: Damnit... Come on! I... I need to stop spinning. This suit has no... no RCS.
:[ADAIR]: Going to try... powering down non-essentials... Just need the life-support and the temp control...
:[ADAIR]: I have a... a decent amount of energy cells. Can keep the suit going for a while then... That's... a relief... I guess.

:[ADAIR]: I hope they find me... Please... damnit...

====================RECORDING END====================

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