Logbook entry

LOG #019 - CSF Specialist A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #019
RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

Things have been very busy around here. I found a little gap to record a log, because I'm almost practically screaming internally with excitement.

I just got assigned to a survey mission lead by Mantis Analytics. They're the squadron's research and exploration division, and they've put together a huge vessel - with a crew size to fit - for an exploration operation. The jist of this survey is that Mantis wants to catalogue all known organic life for internal usage, but they've brought along 70 personnel to perform the mission.

By sounds of it, we're permanently assigned to this vessel whenever it steps off for an operation. I've been assigned to an AECU team - basically military support in case things go bad out there. Chances are, we won't need to engage in any firefights, but we're not all about combat. A lot of our duties are apparently helping catalogue organic life that might be dangerous. Due to that, we've split into two teams. The other team has a specially-trained exobiologist called Tori with them, and she seems like a pretty cool person. We had a little chat, and I'm looking forward to working with this new... family, I guess you could say.

I'm mildly jealous she gets to sample undiscovered life, but - it is what it is. I've been looking forward to something like this my entire life, but by sounds of it, we might be out there for a while. Fingers crossed for an awesome journey.

====================RECORDING END====================

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