Logbook entry

LOG #020 - CSF Specialist A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #020
RECORDING LOCATION: TSV Journey (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

Aurora here. It's been two days into the survey mission, and things are going well. It's not as cut and dry as I hoped it would be, but it's fun... exciting, even. That being said, we had a bit of an incident a few hours ago. We landed on this really dark and cold moon, and all was going well with the EVA teams, but it just felt off.

Well... my gut feeling was right. First it started off with SRV malfunctions, then we would periodically lose communications, and then - we lost complete contact with the guys on EVA. One of them - Arthur - was still able to talk to us, and they were reporting strange lights and insistent clicking coming over the comms as background noise... We were all confused and torn as to what to do, but eventually we took the TSV Journey down and took a look around the area from the air.

Thankfully, we were close enough that the short-range comms rebooted and reconnected us to Tori, one of our exobiologists, and Arthur, one of the recon specialists. Arthur sounded slightly panicky - which I would say was uncharacteristic to say the least. I mean, the guy used to be a Federal intelligence officer. I can't imagine the things he's seen, and even this gave him a run for his money. Anyway, the second exobiologist, Luna - who was also in the field - went missing, and he just found her SRV sitting there.

It's not like she ditched it or anything, it seemed to have rolled off into a crater, but it was otherwise completely functional. She had just... gone from the SRV. We carried out a search nearby, locked down the Journey and I happened to be deployed along with some of the other security members to search for her. I... I now know why it... well, it just felt weird. Like it was dead quiet. I had to mute my comms eventually because the clicking - the damn clicking just wouldn't stop.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, we found her. She was kilometres away from her SRV, and looked like she had a scuffle and fell off a small ridge. Even she couldn't recall what happened, or why she was there. Totally bizarre. I was incredibly glad to leave that place behind, but we had to stick around in the system to continue the survey and get the samples we need. Tori went out alone to get them, but whatever it was almost seemed to follow us. There was still background electromagnetic interference playing with the TSV's systems, and we could barely stay on the planet for long.

I'm glad Tori didn't have to endure any of that crap... She got the samples without incident, and she sure looked happy to be back in the ship. She must've felt it too. Damn haunted planets...

Other than that, the survey has been incredibly beautiful and... eye-opening, even. This is the kind of freedom I've always wanted. Just wanting to do what I want, when I want it. Go anywhere, see anything... Not that I'm not content with this job. I admittedly love it here. It's a strict environment - but the people are great. Plus, I wouldn't have met Tori and the others without doing this mission. They're great to have around. The conversations we have...

Anyway, we've almost arrived at our next destination. I need to be on station round about then, just in case. Here's to hoping we don't have to chase down any more ghost bacteria on haunted worlds...

====================RECORDING END====================

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