Logbook entry

LOG #021 - CSF Specialist A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #021
RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

At this point, I'm half convinced trouble is following me around everywhere...

I should probably explain... Sorry that I keep starting off my logs in this way... even though I'm just talking to myself... I'll start off on a positive note - the TSV Journey finished the survey mission today, and we've all returned to the Solaris fleet carrier to wind down, which is great. The not-so-positive... We got targetted today... I'll elaborate.

The TSV Journey got attacked near the end of our survey. We were boarded while landed on a planet, and I'm not sure how they got in - there were no ships nearby. The security chief told us to blockade ourselves in the bridge and avoid contact. I mean, we were watching them lay damned explosive charges in the hallways and cargo bay, and we couldn't do anything. Their armour made a bulkhead pale in comparison... A little bit of an over-exaggeration, but let's just say they were very well-armed. I don't think any of us wanted to lose anyone unnecessarily to those guys.

We were hoping we'd be able to call for help, but they cut off our comms. So, the pilot took off to try get to orbit, and began to jump back to Kelie, where the carrier is, - but we inadvertently abandoned Tori on the planet we were landed on while she was sampling some brain trees. We were able to speak with the attackers for a bit, but they had their voices masked and demanded that we stop trying to escape, or they'll destroy the ship. So we did... we stopped, and couldn't do anything. They continued to lay explosive charges, changing the timers to one minute and eleven seconds. It... piqued my interest, to be honest. Why such an odd number?

Then something strange happened. They finished laying the charges, shut down the TSV Journey and just left the ship, through the rear airlock. They didn't even start the timers or anything, they just left. They were probably picked up, but again, we didn't see the ship nearby. Our sensors were down, sure, but we still couldn't see anything out of the windows. Doesn't help that they were wearing black suits.

Anyway, it wasn't long before we had a CSF special operations team board the ship. They said they were here to figure out what happened to the Journey. Apparently, they found the ship because the pilot dropped the emergency beacon before we took off, and that Commanders in the squadron were able to triangulate our position based off incomplete data... Thank god for that. They disarmed the charges, and they had also rescued Tori. I guess they found her near the beacon, she wasn't too far from our landing site.

So yeah, I'm convinced I'm the reason why trouble is rife around here. I'm glad Tori is okay... We didn't exactly leave her in the most hospitable environment, but she at least had her SRV. On one hand, I'm glad we finished the mission, but on the other, I'm not too thrilled about being back on the carrier. This attack was so focused... what if they start attacking the carrier, like EMBER did?

It's too much... I need to just... shut off and have some rest. I wish things could just be normal here again. Please?

====================RECORDING END====================

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