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LOG #030 - CSF Specialist A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #030
RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

Okay, that was amazing. The Captain surprised me today and said I'd been making good progress on the simulator, so he offered to let me take out one of CSF's combat vessels for a spin. He picked a planet in Amun we could go to earlier, all that I needed to do was fly us there.

It was... a lot of fun. Obviously I was a bit nervous, but he could take over controls at any point, so that eased my worries a bit. So, we did two hyperspace jumps to get to the system, which did feel a bit different in the pilot seat. I got to learn how to fuel-scoop as well on our journey, since our ship had one onboard, and he gave me a bit more information on how it all works. From the simulator, I had figured out the FSD's supercruise mode, so getting to the planet wasn't an issue, however the planet he chose had an atmosphere. I was a bit worried about atmospheric flight, but he reassured me that it wasn't thick enough to change the flight characteristics of the ship.

All I had to focus on was a good approach. A little bit of guidance from the Captain and paying attention to the instruments, and I pulled it off! Flight is a bit different in gravity, and now I had a surface of a planet to worry about, but taking it nice and slow made it a lot easier. I'm glad he picked the Gunship, it's got a bit more weight to it than the Sidewinder in the simulator. Anyway... we touched down, and the atmosphere was gorgeous... And then he suggested I go for a walk, alone.

I was initially hesitant at first, but I don't regret agreeing. After walking on another planet I've never been to, and seeing that star... I'm certain this is what I want, to be a Commander. Thanks to the Captain's guidance, I'm really getting there... to the point where I can apply at least. The more experience I have, the better it'll go, I guess. Oh, right... almost forgot. We had a bit of an incident leaving the planet. Apparently, the system was in economic boom, so there was an influx of pirates. He didn't think to tell me until later, because as we left the atmosphere, we got interdicted.

I'm a little embarrassed to say I panicked... but he told me to focus on the display and to not fail the interdiction. It's hard - to say the least. Getting thrown around in the supercruise tunnel and battling against the ship itself is quite challenging, but after what really felt like forever, we evaded it. I'm sure nothing bad would've happened but... still. He told me to always expect the worst. A Commander never knows what they'll get themselves into.

Anyway, I didn't miss the opportunity to take pictures. I'll attach some of them to this log. I'm honestly pretty proud of myself. I didn't think of how I would initially react to everything, but... yeah. Good progress, and I do owe it mostly to the Captain, for even giving me the simulator in the first place. This has been pretty inspiring... and hopefully I'll consider putting in my application soon.

====================RECORDING END====================

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