Logbook entry

LOG #035 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #035
RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

Well. I did it. I made that jump. I confirmed with the operations crew that I'm ready to try take on this responsibility. Hopefully, this doesn't bite me in the back. Most of the operations crew are being pretty supportive... but unfortunately, others aren't too happy that I'm just taking over.

I'm hoping I can prove myself, to be honest. I'm a little bit scared of proving them right. Showing them that I'm not ready... but with their help, I can do this. This week, we're going to go through how the squadron operates, and all its protocols... I might fly around some of Quinton's ships too, get accustomed to... well... becoming a literal billionaire in two days...

Yeah... Yeah, that hasn't been easy at all. I had only a few thousand credits to my name, and now I have billions? How did Quinton do it? I mean... it's... exciting, sure... but I have nothing to spend the money on, really. I couldn't ask for anything else right now... though I can't buy the respect of those who don't support me. I know they're as worried as I am, but that's even more reason to prove them wrong. And hey, maybe it's even a good thing that I can't think of anything to buy right now. This is the squadron's money... so buying stuff is the last thing I should be thinking of.

Right... now... I'm going to go to my quarters... take a little break. Think about stuff... maybe have a nice, long shower... And then, I guess I'm starting my new life... I got this.

====================RECORDING END====================

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