Logbook entry

LOG #036 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #036
RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N (auto-detected)

====================RECORDING START====================

Okay... I'd be lying if I said things were going well around here. Truth be told, I didn't expect this reaction... Some people are... well... really unhappy that I stepped up as Squadron Commander. I wish I could understand why... but it hurts that it's coming from my own division. The division I was trained as a combat specialist in, CSF... Well, granted, it's not the whole division... but it sure feels like that.

While this has been going on, I've been trying to get to grips with the whole billionaire thing... owning a fleet carrier... being an independent pilot, all that. I think I'm doing fairly well... and it sure feels like I'm taking it in a lot easier now. I still don't know how well I can do this whole leading thing, but I'm understanding how the squadron operations now, despite all the interferences, and it comforts me to know that at least most of the operations crew support me, for now.

I just have to keep that support... I asked to become a Commander... Even took the evaluation... and I sure got a lot more than I bargained for. But everything happens for a reason, right? We're all swimming in a deep ocean... and we just got to keep our heads above water. That's what I plan to do, but I do need to think of something fast, though... If this goes on for too long, divisions could even fall apart, and that would be entirely my fault, I guess. My job is to keep the squadron together, after all... and we just can't do that with all this infighting.

====================RECORDING END====================

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