Logbook entry

LOG #041 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #041
RECORDING LOCATION: The Andromeda (Anaconda Vessel)

====================RECORDING START====================

Things got worse. Somehow, G.R.I.D was automatically collecting private data. By the sounds of it, it was the work of Idaho, CSF's divisional leader who left... I always had a bad feeling about him. But unfortunately... it got even worse from there. The data was collected on some kind of server... and according to the security team briefing, it contained a lot of personal information, of... well... a lot of different people. But the focus seemed to be on high-ranking squadron individuals.

Which... yeah... obviously included me. To cut a long story short... someone breached the server, stole a few thousand files worth of data... and then made an anonymous document targeting a few people, primarily focusing on me... so the logbooks that I thought was my safe-space where I could just vent... just got shown off... All my feelings, thoughts... whatever. Apparently... whoever it is even knows about Obi Dredgings... but that's something I just... I can't talk about. I don't want to. Just the thought of it makes me so... so angry, every time.

So yeah... I declined today's briefing, and I left. I just... got in the Andromeda and picked a direction. I haven't really checked how far I've gone, but I'm near the California Nebula... so it must be at least a thousand light-years. I'm just... I'm done. Not with the position... but I'm done with being targeted like this. I'm sick of waking up, crying or in a panic... Hell, I don't even care if this log is leaked too, or if leaving makes me look guilty. I'm taking a break on my terms. It's only been roughly two weeks or so, and I already feel like I need to have one... so that's what I'm going to do.

I left my comms active, in case anything happens... but yeah. I'll be back, eventually. Just need some time to myself.

====================RECORDING END====================

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