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LOG #043 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #043
RECORDING LOCATION: The Andromeda (Anaconda, AD-01X)

====================RECORDING START====================

Okay... I wasn't really sure if I should record this, but the more I think about things... the more I'm starting to realise just how much my life has flipped upside down... And in good ways, too.

So here goes. I finally worked up the courage to go talk to Tori about the things I said, after I found out she was on my ship... But I couldn't really find the words, so I stood there... babbling like an idiot for a minute. I'm just not great with apologies. She stood there, and listened, while I went on and on about how becoming Squadron Commander threw me in the whirlpool for a bit... and how I was sorry we rarely spoke because of that... and then... well... suddenly, she shut me up, stepped in close and kissed me.

Yeahhh... my best friend kissed me. So, I stepped back and laughed a little... but then I realised she was serious. Queue me... standing there awkwardly as she tried to apologise, and said something about trying her luck... or whatever. Truth be told, my brain froze. I didn't know how to react... and then she quickly left out of pure embarrassment. I guess she thought I was into her, because we hit it off pretty well when I met her in CSF. But damn... That could not be further from the truth. She's a great friend, but I... well... just not like that.

But it got me thinking a little... about how ridiculous everything has been. I've almost died after being shot, I've been ejected out of an airlock into space after chasing down terrorists, I've stepped up as the owner of a large mercenary corporation thanks to some crazy events, and effectively ruined my relationship with my parents... and now I find out my best friend has feelings for me. Perfect... So, at this rate... I'm struggling to be surprised by anything that comes my way. But to be honest, it made me realise how... privileged I am, I guess. I got what I wanted - to become a Commander. See the stars... land on desolate planets. Live a free life.

I know, I know... Weird thoughts to have after my best friend just kissed me... But I dunno... I feel like I'm getting a hang of this whole introspective thing after all. It sure does make it just a little bit easier to piece all my thoughts together in the end.

Anyway... Time for a walk... and then I'll think about what to say to Tori when I get back... again.

====================RECORDING END====================

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