Logbook entry

LOG #044 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #044
RECORDING LOCATION: The Andromeda (Anaconda, AD-01X)

====================RECORDING START====================

I'm just about to head out for some exploration... but uh... I thought I'd record this log really quick while I get my stuff ready. I am... well... I just wanted to say how great I feel lately. The nightmares are mostly gone... and I can finally have a normal night's sleep, with less panic attacks. Things feel like they're normalising in the squadron too, although the investigation into that leak has slowed down a lot. On the bright side, whoever did it must've lost momentum too, since there's been no action or further leaks from them.

So yeah... This little trip is helping, I think. I'm getting real good at handling the Andromeda... especially with planetary approaches, which is what I was most scared about. And... if I do say so myself... I must be a natural at the SRV or something. This whole 'Commander' thing... I think I'm finally meshing into it... and I... I dunno, I just feel like the excitement is coming back. I've never stepped foot on this many uninhabited planets before... I've never even got a chance to see any of the biological life like this before. It just amazes me every time.

Oh, and... I still haven't really spoken to Tori about the kiss, or her feelings... but we had a brief encounter today while I was getting my exobiology gear, and it seems like things are back to normal between us, if not still a little bit awkward. But, I'm just glad she appreciates me... and that she's my friend. Someone to talk to. Someone who... breaks down that barrier I usually put up...

And that brings us to now, where I'm waiting for the diagnostic pass on my suit to finish. Oh, nice... there we go. Perfect timing.

Well... here I go. Out the airlock... and onto a new world...

I'd be lying if I didn't say I love this.

====================RECORDING END====================

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