Logbook entry

LOG #045 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #045
RECORDING LOCATION: The Andromeda (Anaconda, AD-01X)

====================RECORDING START====================

Well... it's safe to say... I've become a little bit of an exobiologist expert since I started this trip. I don't know too much about the science... but I'm getting used to the whole process of acquiring genetic data... with all the diversity required and whatnot. It's pretty fun.

I just can't seem to pull myself away from it though... I know I should return to the carrier and get a bit more hands-on... but I dunno. Maybe I'm an explorer at heart. I love seeing all the views... and even though some of the biological life is a little creepy... it's astounding how it survives out here. But anyway, that aside, Tori and the other two Peacekeepers did kind of convince me to fly back to the bubble yesterday, so I did. We stopped off at Quince, a system just on the edge of the bubble, and spent the day at this amazing starport orbiting an earth-like world. I went through the hoops of getting the data I'd acquired turned in, and getting some minor maintenance done on the Andromeda.

Then uh... well, for the rest of the day... we kind of 'went out', Tori and I. Spent some time at the bar, had a chat... and I might've gotten a little drunk. Truth be told, I'm a huge lightweight, so I don't really drink much... but I kinda gave into the pressure and had a few... Maybe a few too many. We had a great chat though... just about everything, really. Had a few laughs. But... after the second drink, I was practically pleading to go back to the ship. I don't remember what she got me... but it felt pretty strong... and I hate getting drunk in public... or in general for that matter, so with the both of us tipsy, we walked back to the Andromeda. When we got to my quarters, she hugged me and mumbled something about us being friends, I guess... and then she passed out on my bed. It's a single bed, so I had to sleep on my couch, of course... Fun... and very comfortable... Would totally recommend...

I woke up an hour or so ago and I'm still kind of hung over... she's still completely out, so I went for a little walk in this station's concourse. Had something a lot lighter to drink, and checked out some of the stores nearby. Not that I need to buy anything, but I had to keep myself occupied somehow... or I might die of boredom... or of this damn headache...

====================RECORDING END====================

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