Logbook entry

LOG #046 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #046
RECORDING LOCATION: The Andromeda (Anaconda, AD-01X)

====================RECORDING START====================

Something weird is going on. The carriers on our mining missions are reporting some kind of infection spreading throughout them... nothing lethal yet, but... I dunno... it just seems... sudden. And weird... Surely the heat of the refineries would destroy any kind of virus? Well... whatever. Anyway, I was told by the operations crew remotely to stay with the Andromeda and to not risk myself by returning to the Solaris, saying "the Peacekeeper team would keep me safe".

Only... I just got back to my ship after going out again... and I can't find Tori. I can't find the other two Peacekeepers. There is no-one aboard my ship. They were there when I left. And I know... I know, a little early to panic... but I... Okay, Tori was still sleeping in my bed when I left. And I don't know the other two Peacekeepers personally... What if...? No. No, that's a stupid thought. Nevermind... But Tori didn't... well, she didn't even leave a note. The bed wasn't even made either. Some of her stuff is still in my room.

I uh... They had some souvenirs at a local store, so I bought a few things... mainly for Tori, to be honest. They're nifty, but definitely not something I'd hook up to my dash... I think she'd like them though... Well, I hope so, at least. That's why this whole disappearing act is frustrating me so much... Okay... well... Maybe they went for a walk... or... uh... maybe they got recalled, or something. Or they want to surprise me... I... I don't know. I wish I did.

... I'm worried for her. Ugh. I hope she's okay.

====================RECORDING END====================

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