Logbook entry

Log #048 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #048
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================

Hey. I feel... a little bit better. And... No. I'm not lying this time... Not really, at least... I couldn't sleep so... I just kinda sat in the bridge and watched the ship cameras... Making sure Tori was okay. Yeah... I'm a softie, alright? But that's not why I feel better.

Uh... I have some news. And you deserve to hear it before the official article goes out... and I want to preface this by saying that I respect the work of our security teams... our medical teams... Everyone trying to stop the virus... But I knew that while we spent this time trying to contain it all, the man responsible for it was about to cover his tracks and vanish for good... and that our teams wouldn't be able to get to him in time while they verified the data I sent over. So, I ignored what the operations crew told me, and I went back to the Solaris... and I docked anonymously. I managed to convince the CSF security teams in the landing bay to not notify anyone about my arrival... and it worked, thankfully. They weren't in on this whole thing either.

So I kept my flight suit helmet on to conceal my face... donned an outfit people don't see me wear often... and made my way undisturbed to a Praetor squad bay. If he was covering his tracks during the chaos... I was betting on him and whoever was helping him to be there. And I was correct. When I stepped through the door, he was standing there, arguing with another CSF soldier deeper into the room. I'm guessing this is the other half of that team of four. And I knew it was him... I recognised his face from when I checked the registry to find out which squad bay he was assigned to.

So that brings me to the PDA I found yesterday... The orders were issued from a Captain Palmer himself. And he had no excuses this time. They both stared at me as I entered, and even though he didn't immediately recognise me, I could see him tense up. He definitely saw my hand resting on my Tormentor. So I told him to surrender, and tossed the PDA I recovered over. Don't worry... I backed up the data, just in case. He didn't really understand why I told him that until I retracted my visor... and then he started to try explain his innocence and whatnot... But I'll be honest with you. I wasn't having any of his [#$@!]. He was killing innocent people just to get to me. So I decided - I'd come to him. And then he could try whatever 'tactics' he wanted to.

But he just stood there. The other soldier had a rifle on his back, but I already had my pistol in my hand. I don't know for how long we stood there, but the other soldier eventually stepped away from Captain Palmer, and detached his rifle from his backpack, letting it float there in the zero-g. And the Captain and I locked eyes... He knew I wasn't budging... so he quickly turned and went for the rifle. But he uh... Yeah. He didn't make it far. He got a step away from the rifle. The shot immediately brought the attention of security teams who heard it, and I got 'soft-arrested' while they figured out what happened, but I don't regret killing him. Yeah. That's why I feel better. His orders were making innocent people suffer because of me. The other soldier immediately confessed and told them everything. And the data Palmer had on him confirmed all those claims... Data related to the biological agent... operations and communications against me... Everything.

But I don't know what to make of how I feel. I didn't panic when I confronted him... I didn't even get scared. I just knew what I had to do. And... even thinking about it in detail now... I don't... I don't feel... remorse. I killed three people... CSF soldiers that used to be my family when I was a specialist... that turned against me just because I came Squadron Commander, and then they tried to hurt people close to me.

Well... When I say it out loud... I guess it's obvious as to why I feel better... and now that security teams are piecing the puzzle together... and BLUSTAR is working on an antidote... I'm feeling the tension break. Like it's slowly coming to an end... And I'm going to make sure we work harder to catch stuff like this quicker...

But anyway... uh... sooo... since this log is public... Does anyone happen to have a spa aboard their carrier?

... I'm kidding.


====================RECORDING END====================

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