Logbook entry

LOG #051 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #051
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================

... [#$@!]... I... I... just spent the last two hours... just... crying... Ugh... uhm... Whew... S-sorry... What a way to start off a log. So... uh... the Peacekeepers finished their investigation today and... well... the good news is I'm not guilty... obviously... But uhm... they found the real incident report log... of what happened... at Obi Dredgings, where I used to work before joining TITAN... Remembering what happened was always a blur... since I got shot but... uhm... I read their investigation report... in today's operations briefing.

[#$@!]... Sorry... Goddamnit. Ughhh... I feel awful... I read it and... god... I can [#$@!]ing remember it all now... The whole incident... those [#$@!]ing mercenaries... It all just hit me at once... and I couldn't... c-... control... my reaction. So they just... [#$@!]ing stood there and watched me have a [#$@!]ing breakdown... Eventually they... they called the briefing and I got escorted back to my quarters... so I sat in a corner of my room... and I just couldn't stop crying...

It just... it makes sense now... why I couldn't remember... why I get so angry when I... I think about it... I just remember getting shot... in the airlock... and I collapsed... the pain... god, the [#$@!]ing pain... and then... getting dragged to the power room... and that one mercenary... [#$@!]ing... pressing his body against me... He kept grabbing at my... my armor and... making comments towards me. I can... remember just... barely being able to stay awake... and I was half convinced this... [#$@!]ing guy was going to dislocate my arms... because he kept yanking me forward by my armor... while my hands were... were tied... to that console... and... he wouldn't listen to me begging him... him to stop... He started to pull harder when I cried out... and... Oh god... [#$@!]... I want to be sick...

No... No... Aurora, calm down... [#$@!]... It's fine... I'm alright. I'll be o-okay... I just need time to think about it... He's... he's dead. The tactical team got him when... when they rescued us... and his [#$@!]ing friends too... That's all that matters... right? That I... I still had full body armor on and he didn't go... go further than that... and that I didn't die when I got shot... [#$@!]...

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... record a log like this... and I didn't want to find out this way either... I think I'm just going to go to bed... I want to be left alone. The operations crew suggested going to BLUSTAR medical teams for therapy but... I don't know... I couldn't even talk to myself about it... and now they want me to just... talk about it to a stranger?

Whatever... I'll uh... think about it, I guess. For now... I could use some rest... Sorry.

====================RECORDING END====================

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