Logbook entry

LOG #053 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #053
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RECORDING LOCATION: Paladin (Krait Phantom, PN-03X)

====================RECORDING START====================

Alright... I probably shouldn't record a log while I'm flying... But we're in supercruise currently, so no big deal.

Okay... so... Tori suggested, after that discussion yesterday, that we should... take some time off again, and I know, I know... I already had a little expedition trip to help me calm down last time... but what she suggested is that we just pop over to a little tourist settlement and have some downtime together. Away from the carrier. Just the two of us this time.

It sounded like fun, so... I said sure. Right now, I'm taking the... the Paladin... It uhm... this was his ship. Quinton's ship. The same ship he died in. When they placed that explosive under his seat... half the bridge was just... gone... when it went off... The insurance paid for the rebuy because it was effectively totalled and... I got it back thereafter, all brand new... so I thought I'd take it out for a spin this time... The Andromeda is awesome and all, but this ship handles a lot better and still has a similar range... I really like it. I'm... I'm sure he did too.

Anyway... I'm hoping the spot she picked is nice. I'm kind of excited, to be honest. Like really excited. I don't know why. I guess it's because I don't like being in zero-g... so having a little time off on a planet would do wonders right now. And, mmmaybe... if we're not too busy, maybe we could take some local contracts and-...

No, ugh... There's that independent Commander in me coming out. We're just here to chill... no mission... no action. Just hanging out with Tori. That's it...

Okay... Well, we're almost there, so I should stop recording before she comes back to the bridge and wonders why I'm talking about her. And... I will admit... it feels a little irresponsible that I'm leaving all the time. But, I promise I won't be gone for long! It's just for a day or two. And then I'll stop lazing about... promise.

====================RECORDING END====================

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