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LOG #055 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #055
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RECORDING LOCATION: U͘͝͡ń̴͟k͏̶̧͠n͡͡o̡̕͜w͟͟ņ̶̛͞͝,̨͞ ̴̧̀͞N̵͘o̵̶҉͝ ͏̸̶Ç͘͜o͟͏̨̛͡n̷̴̸̵n̨̧͜e̵͘͠͠͏c̢͜͡t̢͞i̷͞ò͡ǹ̨̢͟

====================RECORDING START====================

It's me again... uh... still at that settlement, unfortunately. I tried to get a good night's sleep in their dormitory but... I'm so on edge, I couldn't even get a few hours in. I've been constantly thinking about what I could do, and I came up with a few ideas.

First, when I... "woke up", I decided to give the warehouse another go. So... after searching literally every storage crate they had in there, I found some useful stuff, and in a very ironic turn of events, I also found SRV spare parts... but obviously, that's some kind of sick joke. There's no way I'm going to assemble an entire SRV by myself. Anyway, I did find some storage cases containing tools... A couple Energylinks, Profile Analysers... even some sampling tools retrofitted for geological research, but there was also - drum roll please - my personal favourite; the Arc Cutter. I'm not the 'break-in' kind of type... but come on, who doesn't like a handheld cutting laser? So, I was able to use that to gain access to some of their locked... lockers. Locked lockers. That's almost a tongue-twister, right?

Anyway... I'm much better equipped now. And, the settlement has some other stuff laying around, like energy cells, medical first aid kits... and even grenades. Yeah. Grenades in a mining settlement. I thought it was weird too, but it made me think about how this is set up almost as an arena of sorts. Gives me the creeps... like I'm setting up to fight off waves of mercs or something. Yeah... I really hope that doesn't happen, because even though I found some additional plasma cartridges from munition storages around the settlement... my suit isn't exactly up to the task of combat. I'm kind of wondering if... this isn't my suit. It has none of the modifications I put on it, which is... odd. Well... no, when I was in the ship, I definitely put on my normal Maverick suit... so if this is all part of some game, they probably removed all my modules... which sucks.

Anyway. Back to the ideas I had... and technically it's only one idea because the other one won't work. I still haven't been able to make that improvised comms suite, and I was initially going to try use the settlement comms array to boost the signal, but - surprise, surprise - the comms array is broken. I inspected it on the exterior and all the useful stuff has been ripped out completely. So... that furthers my theory that this site was set up for me. Or... it's just a really, really terrible coincidence. However, from what I can tell, the alarms are still uplinking to the emergency backup... the emergency backup comms array that is. Soooo... I was... kind of... thinking of tripping the alarms... maybe? Just... a thought. I could either trigger it by powering down the reactor, since they e-breached that regulator control panel, or... downloading some data I shouldn't be downloading. Something like that.

And yeah... security forces generally have a 'shoot first, ask questions later' mentality... So, if I do this and someone responds, I could just be getting myself killed. But... on the flipside, maybe it's part of the game. Whoever is doing this, they could've destroyed the alarms too, but they didn't. So... maybe by triggering the alarms, I advance into the next phase? But... yeah. It's a dumb idea, I know... one that I'll probably regret. But what other choice do I have? I really don't want to be here any longer than I have to... I'm worried about Tori. Why didn't they put her with me? What if she's in another settlement, doing the same thing I am? So many questions... and this persistent headache isn't helping.

Oh. I can't believe I almost forgot to mention this last time... I did figure out the name of the settlement, soon after I woke up. But again... this could be all made up... but uh... it's called 'Newton's Prospect'. I'm sure that really narrows it down... but other than that, I can't do anything with any of the settlement computers. All are locked under auth... so I have no clue what system I'm in because the nav system doesn't work. So, this is just great. I'm going to give the alarm idea some thought... but if I really don't have any options, I guess I have nothing else to do but try it. Well... Fingers crossed. Wish me luck.

====================RECORDING END====================

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