Logbook entry

LOG #056 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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Initiating voice-recording...
LOG: #056
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In our squadron lore, these logbooks are not supposed to be publicly viewable by Commanders. However, in some circumstances, a log may be compromised OR publicised, allowing it to be considered publicly viewable - in this case, the information within can be used for story or discussion purposes in-character. Compromised implies the logbook has been leaked, whereas publicised means the logbook has been willingly released for story purposes. This log became public later, when Aurora was rescued.

RECORDING LOCATION: U͘͝͡ń̴͟k͏̶̧͠n͡͡o̡̕͜w͟͟ņ̶̛͞͝,̨͞ ̴̧̀͞N̵͘o̵̶҉͝ ͏̸̶Ç͘͜o͟͏̨̛͡n̷̴̸̵n̨̧͜e̵͘͠͠͏c̢͜͡t̢͞i̷͞ò͡ǹ̨̢͟

====================RECORDING START====================

I w... nhm.... I was right... [#$@!]... oh god... There... there is... blood... everywhere... It... hurts so much...

Right... I... It took... took me a while to... decide but... I decided to... do the alarm... thing... so... I... s-... shut down the reactor... and as expected the... the entire settlement went off... alarms and all... But... nothing happened... I... stood o-outside... and waited... Waited for it to finish the... shutdown... sequence...

But... still, nothing happened by the time... the settlement shut down... so... I was kind of... disappointed, to some extent... but... uhm... when I started... to walk back, to turn the settlement back on... I heard a ship jump in... and saw... saw this... ship descend... I think it was a Diamondback... so... against my instinct, I slowly made my way over that direction... and I could see flashlights... dropping in... they weren't normal system security... they were... [#$@!]ing mercs, I guess... So I waited... and at the right moment... I attacked.

I was doing well... they didn't expect me to suddenly attack... but... uhm... I had to keep the height advantage... keep moving around... make up for the shortfalls in my suits strength... y'know? And... I kind of just... zoned out... the Tormentor did most of the work... and after some time... there were no more mercs... I did it without a single scratch... Or... yeah. You can... you can see where this is going... n... I... u...ugh... I turned back to the settlement... or at least where I thought it was... it was so dark... and then I heard this... loud yell behind me... and this b-... blinding flashlight came on... and then suddenly... there was... this guy... charging me...

He had... had something in his hands... so I quickly reached for my Tormentor on my hip... as I brought it up he... knocked my hand aside and swiped at me with something sharp. I stepped... stepped backwards, but he lunged forward after me and... [#$@!]... hhu... he drove... he drove a knife... right into my... [#$@!]ing side... and by the time I got... I got my Tormentor up... he'd stabbed me... I dunno... six times, I... I guess... and then the... the plasma bolt... blew open his... visor... and he collapsed. I... could barely stand... [#$@!]... Figures... I should've... should've seen this coming...

And I was winded... trying to grab a medkit... from my backpack... but I didn't want to remove the knife in fear of causing... more damage... the medkit only staunched the bleeding so much... and I tried to cover the wounds... with... with my hand. I quickly... ran back to the settlement and I... cut open the... reactor... door, stumbled in... but I... I can't... the blood is... pouring down my side... I... the... the regulator is... the power center is... back online but...

I'm... I can't focus... my hand is... is just red... Breathing... breathing's hard... Where the... [#$@!] are the... medkits... I'm trying to... to keep pressure on the wounds but... I can't... I can't find anything to help me... Please... Please, I don't... [#$@!]... I don't want this to be the end... S-... [#$@!]... ughhh... uhm...

I... [#$@!]ing knew... this was going to happen... Why didn't I... If... if I made sure... sure there was no one else... this wouldn't have... have happened. [#$@!]... This is what they wanted... clearly... Draw me out... mess with me... and then kill me... The guy had... a gun... on his back but... why did he opt to use a... a knife... instead? To... to send a message or... what?

... was Tori in... in on this...? No... why... why would she be? I'm...

... I'm just going to lay here... There...

... there is nothing else I can do.

This... uhhmnn... hah... is a lot of blood... I uh... I don't know how much... much time... I have. It... it sure doesn't feel like much.



[#$@!]... sorry... I'm still... still here... You know, I was kind of... thinking... about... why Tori suggested this... and part of me... thinks it's a date... for her... Oh, I... still wanted to talk to her... about what happened last time but... we never... never got the chance... I don't know if I'll... ever... ugh... see her... aga-...

... uhm... n... [#$@!]...

[#$@!]... No... I'm... not going to die... Not like this. Come on... Aurora... What the [#$@!] am I d-... doing...? I can't just... lay here... and give up... and be all sad about things... It's... it's really bad but... ugh... come on... Come on... If I can just find something to stop the... the bleeding... I won't... I can't just... give up...

... I... ugh... could've sworn I saw a... a medical rack... around here...

====================RECORDING END====================

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