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LOG #057 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #057
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================

Aurora here...

So. I uh... I didn't die. Thankfully. One of our Commanders rescued me... Never got to really say thanks before they whisked me away on a medical ship, so... Commander Alexis Bright... if you're listening to this - thank you. Seriously... that was... uh... worse than when I got shot at Obi. So thanks. I'm glad I had the squadron as a buffer there... if I hadn't been found or... BLUSTAR wasn't as good as they are, I wouldn't be recording this log.

Speaking of which... I can barely feel the wound now. Thanks to modern medicine and our medical teams, of course. That unfortunately doesn't change what happened, so I've been ordered by the operations crew to stay onboard the Solaris in my quarters, and that I would not be flying until further notice... Yeah, right? I'm getting orders from them, even though I outrank them. I... uh... admittedly I got a little angry... I don't want to be confined to my quarters... I want to be... ugh, I dunno.. Out there. Doing something. Flying, y'know? Especially since the Thargoids are attacking... again. And I really wanted to get out there again and look for Tori... but they said no. That 'CSF would handle it'. Ugh...

So... I made a compromise with them... They let me fly around in Taurus' mission area, explore a little, and we'll call it even... They were a bit hesitant, but agreed. And besides, it was a good opportunity to get some mining in as well. I was originally going to go in the Voidbreaker... Quinton's slightly dusty mining Krait, but one of the Pandora guys stopped me, introduced himself as Shayne, and since he heard what happened, he wanted me to try out his mining vessel. I said sure... don't know why. The Voidbreaker would've made the cut... but I'm glad I took him up on his offer.

It's an Anaconda, and he named it the 'Sapphire'. Since I'm already a fan of the Andromeda, I was a little too excited to give it a try. It... feels a bit lighter - no, more responsive actually - than the Andromeda, but again... the Andromeda hasn't been specced out. Weight reasons I suppose, it's an exploration ship after all. He wanted to come with as well, and I was a little skeptical since I didn't know him... but he seems like a nice guy, so I said fine. Maybe he just wants an excuse to get off the carrier, like I do. We spoke a little before take-off, and apparently he used to be a fighter pilot, which is cool. That allowed him to segue into asking if he could join me as a crew-member some day, if I ever took out a capable ship... I told him I'd think about it.

Anyway, we took the Sapphire out to the ring nearby, and halfway there, another Commander by the name of Rhudran hailed me. I guess news about what happened spread very quickly, and he wanted to join up for some mining. So... We mined a bit. I was a bit worried that I wouldn't have a clue what to do, but some pointers from Shayne and the ship handling the rest made it a breeze. We didn't really discuss much outside of that, but it was nice having the company of the both of them. And Shayne's apparently a little bit of a jokester. I'll admit... I laughed a little at some of his jokes... but, for the most part, I was just worried about Tori... and I know CSF is doing their best, but I wish they would just let me out there again. But... whatever, they both did a good job of... distracting me from what happened. So, I guess that's just a really convoluted way to say I had fun. We had some beautiful sights while mining... and I didn't think too much about what happened.

After some time spent mining, we returned back to the carriers with a pretty good haul. Commander Rhudran said he'd be signing off for other duties, and I wanted to get some rest. But, when we were leaving the Sapphire, Shayne had this... like... look on his face, like he wanted to say something. And I had a suspicion as to what was on his mind, so, I sighed, turned to him and said he could join me as crew when I needed his help - and then he got this really stupid grin on his face, thanked me and promptly ran off. And uhm... I'm sure he won't mind, but I put in a request to have the Sapphire transferred to me. I know, I know, it's his ship, but technically I still own it! And I really enjoyed flying it... so if he wants to join me as crew some day, that's the entry fee.

But... I wanted to give what happened a little bit more thought before I went to bed. So, I... thought a bit about Hivemind. How they're probably returning... and that whole Newton's Prospect thing would be one of many attacks, probably. So... I dunno. I think we'll need to come up with some solutions to counter them... but that's not something I'll discuss in a log. And, considering that... I think I now know why that guy attacked me with a knife. To send a message... and a very bloody one at that. If it wasn't for what Commander Bright did, then that would've been the end of it for me. So thank you again, really... oh, and if you're listening, as far as the squadron is concerned, there was no Commander Alexis Bright at Tsarenko Lodges. I hope that helps.

Anyway... now I just hope we can find Tori. I'm really worried... I don't want what happened to me, to happen to her... So, I just hope CSF kicks things into high gear now.

Alright... Okay, I could really use the sleep, so I'm going to try get some rest now... and try not think too much about it. So yeah... thank you.

====================RECORDING END====================

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