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LOG #058 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #058
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================


I uh... don't really have all that much to talk about... but I'm super bored, so I wanted to share what was on my mind. I'm still confined to my quarters... and I'll be honest - it's not doing me too good. I'm alone half the time... and that kind of lets my mind run free. Shayne decided he'd come visit every now and then, but I'm still... I dunno... I'm just a little sceptical about him... and I'm not sure if he knows about me transferring the Sapphire to me yet. If he does, it doesn't really seem like he cares. When he popped around, we spoke a little about what happened at Newton's Prospect. I kept it pretty general - covered what was public knowledge. Stuff he already knew. Come on... I'm not going to open up to him, especially since we just met.

But, then he decided to ask if he could help me find Tori... and I just stared at him. What could he do different compared to our security teams? They're already dedicating... everything... everything they have. And now he just thinks he can "help me". If only it was that simple... and I'm sure he realised how stupid it sounded when he finished saying it - if the look I gave him didn't give it away. He's quick to apologize, at least... but that doesn't help... I feel utterly useless locked away in my quarters. I still want to get out there and fly... but what's the point if I'm just going out to mine? Tori's out there somewhere, and I could be doing something to help find her... but no, I get to sit in my quarters the whole day... watch the same damn show over and over again... or brainstorm stuff.

Oh, yeah... Speaking of brainstorming... we have been discussing Hivemind in our operations briefings, and ways we could counter them. That's not something I'll go into in a log... Well, not right now, at least. But, we had an OMNIPOL agent come in for an interview - we had to return to the bubble with the carrier for a little to meet him - and... well, needless to say, their origins are definitely something, since they have ties in to the Far God cult. When he spoke about it, some things started to make more and more sense. That they're essentially a pro-Thargoid terrorist group... that want to seize squadron assets for their own gain... but their repeated failures and attempts implies it's some kind of 'personal vengeance', as the agent said. Maybe because they think I'm interfering or making it harder for them to achieve their goals...

... You know, saying that out loud... That scares me. Knowing that someone is hunting me down... Trying to... kill me. And the fact that they almost succeeded... Almost. So... uhm... with that considered, I guess I'm glad I'm locked away in my quarters. I just need something to do. I'm really getting sick of thinking up solutions to squadron problems in my personal time...

Ugh. I wish Tori was here... She's always creative and... 'gamey'... if that's a word. Thinking about what she might be going through right now stresses me out. I hope she's alright... and not going through what I went through. Okay. Anyway, I've been spending most of the day lazing around, which has made me super tired and... well... lazy... so I think it's bed-time for me!

But tomorrow... I swear, I'm definitely convincing the operations crew to stop clipping my wings. I can't hide away from everything. It's not my style, anyway... I've come this far after all. That... sure sounds arrogant, but... look, I'm not trying to be cocky... I just... I hope you get it. I wanted to become a Commander so I could stop feeling helpless... yet I still do... Sometimes. Not always, at least. So that's some improvement.

Right, no more rambling. I'm off to bed. So... okay. Here's to tomorrow's 'negotiation'. Wish me luck! Again...

====================RECORDING END====================

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