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LOG #060 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #060
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RECORDING LOCATION: Paladin (Krait Phantom, PN-03X)

====================RECORDING START====================


So I've been hanging out in the Gliese 113.1 system, watching the area around Newton's Prospect for... anything, really. I know I shouldn't bother, but I just can't help being curious, y'know? Long story short, nothing happened. No ships... nothing. So, I've been doing my own thing aboard the Paladin... reading the news and stuff. I saw the whole Thargoid attack going on in the Cornsar system, and part of me really wanted to go... but I'm no AX pilot nor is the ship designed for any kind of confrontation, so I didn't bother. But after reading the latest news related to that, apparently the Thargoids just totally vanished, and the system was covered in wreckage. I thought about it a bit, but eventually I just said screw it, and went there to go check it out. It was only two jumps away, and besides, what harm can an alien wreck cause? Actually... Don't answer that.

I've seen some Thargoid stuff before... like that incident aboard the carrier where that Thargoid object got onboard somehow, so I thought I knew what to expect... but even then... their tech is creepy. I picked a crash site on this atmospheric planet in Cornsar, and took a look around. It really was kind of scary and amazing at the same time. Just... looking at this wreckage, knowing that I'm staring at another alien race. And there was this droning as well... really loud too. Almost like something in the wreckage was calling for help. I decided to take a look, against better judgement, and I think I figured out what was making that noise. It was that same kind of object that I found on the carrier last time... same kind of caustic shimmer around it as well. I stood there for quite a while at a safe distance, staring at it... each noise it made just gave me the chills. I could've just left but... ugh, I don't know what's up with me lately... I should probably stop putting myself in potentially dangerous situations.

Anyway, in other news, I still have no leads on where Tori might be, and from what I understand, the investigation is still underway. So... I dunno what to do. I might just relax in the Paladin, clear my head... and be ready if anything happens, I guess. It's probably not worth bothering with Newton's Prospect anymore either... If there was anything there, I think I would've found it, so I guess it's just a dead end... either that, or I'm not looking hard enough. So, if anyone finds out anything, let me know... please. Thanks. Now, I guess I just have to decide what I'm doing to keep myself occupied. Probably just spend some alone time... maybe explore the surrounding area... maybe some local missions people need help with, but there's that whole 'I should stop putting myself in dangerous situations' thing again. Man... Having all this freedom and then deciding what to actually do with it is kind of difficult, but then again... I never thought I'd get to this point.

... I'm rambling again, ugh! Sorry, I'll stop. So yeah, if anyone has any info, you know how to reach me, hopefully. Right... signing off properly, for now. Talk to you later, I guess?

====================RECORDING END====================

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