Logbook entry

LOG #062 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #062
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RECORDING LOCATION: Paladin (Krait Phantom, PN-03X)

====================RECORDING START====================

Okay, I just had the most awesome and simultaneously terrifying experience in my life - though in a good way. So... Commander Novus - one of our members in the squadron - invited me out on a little trip - just for some R&R - and since I have the Paladin with me, I did hesitantly agree. He told me the trip would be out to Guardian space and that we'd be taking a look at some ancient ruins.

I'll admit, I was a bit stressed out about it, because... well, aliens and all that... but I've always read stories about the Guardians. After reading a bit more about them and how they went extinct in the standard-issue pilots' codex, my interest got piqued even more, so I will admit this was a fairly good opportunity... and besides... I need to keep my mind... occupied. Otherwise, I think too much about Tori and...

Anyway... Novus linked up remotely with me, transmitted the coordinates and said we could meet at the site he picked out. It wasn't too hard to get all the way out there... it was a thousand lightyears, but I just zoned out and jumped, one after the other, listening to my music... and before I knew it, we were there. Though, Novus said he'd double back to arrange some stuff on his carrier, which he was bringing over, so that gave me a little opportunity to explore the site he picked out in advance.

It was... honestly incredible, seeing that alien ruin slowly coming into view as I took the ship down in glide... It looked amazing. I still can't really wrap my head around the fact that I literally stepped foot in a site abandoned for hundreds of years by another species... and it was awe-inspiring, to be fair...

But... maybe Novus should've warned me that the site had... y'know... Defences. I was walking along, and suddenly this... well... like, the ground started shaking, and this large tower rose out of the ground. I did get a bit of a fright, but when I realised it was just a static pillar, that eased me a bit. I should've been more prepared, to be honest, but... heh, if you don't mind... I'm blaming this one on you, Novus.

A few seconds after the tower rose, the ground ahead started to part... and all this dust kicked up everywhere. I could just see this... I dunno... triangular... object rise out of the ground... and this blue light pierced through the cloud, with this loud... 'groan' accompanying it. I don't really remember what I said over comms, but next thing I know, Novus said something along the lines of "I should've mentioned that" and that I should "probably find some cover"...

Him telling me to find cover could not have been better punctuated... because just then, there was a blast from the drone and these two projectiles just beelined for me. I don't think I've ever dived behind cover that fast in my life... and I may have let out a little... uh... panicky scream, I guess. I won't lie... my heart was racing and... I freaked out just a little...

Facing off against an alien drone that's trying to kill me wasn't exactly a bucket-list item, but I tried to focus on calming down and getting my weapon ready after I realised Novus was laughing at me... Yep... he was laughing at me. Though, don't get me wrong, I really, really don't blame him, to be honest. My reaction was... a bit ridiculous. If you just keep moving... and be careful, those drones are fairly harmless... and besides, Novus is a seasoned AX pilot as well... so I guess stuff like this doesn't bother him too much.

Anyway... a little bit of calming down... feeling embarrassed, the usual - and, of course, some helpful advice from him - I was able to defend myself from the drone. They call them 'Sentinels' apparently... so I made sure to rearm at my ship just incase another showed up. Wasn't too difficult... but yeah. Not what I expected. I could still feel my heart several minutes after taking down the drone... and... actually, you know, now that I think about it... I wonder if Novus left me there intentionally. Not in a malicious way... but maybe as a test or... joke? Ugh... Probably fell right into that one... nice. Anyway, he did eventually come with his ship... and we charged up the site. It was pretty amazing... all this tech still working years and years after it was abandoned.

We did have to fight off more Sentinels, but Novus recommended we use the SRVs... Could've done that earlier, it sure made it a lot easier... and having the safety net of more powerful shields and an actual turret to defend myself was uh... more... relaxing, if I can say that. Not as stressful. And, if I can be honest, for such a good AX pilot, he really... really does not know his way around a gun, so it's a good idea we opted to just use the SRVs - no offense, if you're listening. I still really appreciate the encouragement for me to go out there and explore more. It was really interesting and... y'know... fun - even if alien drones were trying to kill us.

I probably say it way, way too much, but I'm loving the fact I can just... get out there... and do things I never thought I could do.

Almost gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside...

Okay, anyways... in other news, I did get another message from that... 'Drake'... that merc. Not anything too revealing, essentially it felt like he was just seeing if I did actually follow through with that note... and I did, of course. He was still being really cryptic, but from what I can gather he does want to meet again soon, so... we'll see how that goes. I'll be careful, I promise. Not planning on getting myself kidnapped a second time...

Anyway... in other news, I've been contemplating some stuff about the DSMO Taurus mission. It's slow going... and after what happened to the Monty Burns... the Bucephalus... y'know... I'm... I don't want to... prolong it, I guess? Their carriers are... still recovering after all that, yet we're still... out there, mining. Maybe it's time to return to the bubble and call it.

I'm open to suggestions of course, but... anyway, besides that... I need some rest... really tired after that whole Guardian site debacle. So, I did thank you before at the time, but really - thank you again, Commander Novus - if you are listening. I appreciate the flight out, and you stopped me from getting myself killed on some distant world, so I am... super, super grateful. Really... you guys have been saving my ass lately, to put it bluntly. We're definitely hosting a party at the end of all this, and I'll buy you all a drink... and it's not negotiable...

Yeah, I am seriously thinking of going through with the idea... I think it could be fun. Anyway, thanks again... That's all from me for now... before I fall asleep.

Till next time. Thanks.

====================RECORDING END====================

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