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LOG #069 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #069
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================


So I got a message from Drake again. He wanted to meet up and discuss things so... I might've... snuck off again, just a little. He wanted to meet at LHS 2429... Funny he should suggest that, because that's the exact same system where I went on that mission with Alexis two days ago. I asked him why he didn't come to the Solaris, and apparently he thinks he'll just be arrested.

Whatever... I'm... wary... about him... but... I dunno. Maybe it's just me being paranoid but... he does have a mystery about him. Always has his visor deployed so I can't see his face... always carries a gun. And... well, yeah, I carry too, but not aboard starports, because... that would be illegal. Anyway, he wanted to meet at Acaba Dock, so I obliged. Alexis has been off doing her own stuff, so I haven't told her about this... or rather haven't had the chance to tell her, but it's okay.

Nothing really happened. I got there... waited in the bar for a bit, but he was a no-show for... almost an hour, maybe. I was about to leave and then I saw him walk in, in quite a hurry. He almost hesitated before he got to the table, like he was trying to calm down, and then he came closer... I asked him where the hell he was, and he told me not to ask any questions.

Yeah. Seriously... So I asked him what he wanted... and he kind of just jumped into it... Said my life was in danger, that I couldn't stay aboard the Solaris anymore, and that he wanted me to come with him. Drop off the grid... all that crap. So I said no. Obviously. Heard this [#$@!] before. And the way my life currently is... it doesn't matter where I go, I'll probably always be in danger. So why would I run from it now?

Needless to say, that answer didn't make him very happy. He went on a tangent about how I was making a mistake and that I'd be an idiot not to go into hiding... so yeah. I'd be lying if I said that didn't make me a little angry... or... uh... very... angry, actually. So... uh... as politely as I can put it... I argued "how could I trust him?". I don't know his full name... I don't know who he is at all, why he wants to know about Hivemind, why he keeps bothering me.

So I told him to go [#$@!] himself and that we'd never be talking again... I just can't take advice from someone who wants me to abandon the squadron. I can't do that. Part of me knew I shouldn't stay but... he asked me to stop and just wait. Seemed like he was trying to figure out what to say, so I waited... and then eventually, he told me his full name. Orion Drake... and then he went on to explain that his brother was killed by Hivemind, so he wanted to hunt them down and finish them off for good.

He heard they had resurfaced since his brother's death... and that TITAN became the prime target somehow, so he knew he needed to get touch with the squadron... Apparently this was back when Commander Marshall was still alive... but Drake never got to him before he was killed by Hivemind. So I'm the next best thing... yay. I was still angry though... couldn't believe he would ever suggest to me that I should leave everything behind, just because he somehow needed my help to reach Hivemind... and to remedy his personal vengeance or whatever. If he knew even a little bit about me, he'd have thought that one through... or maybe he really is just desperate.

So I asked him why he won't show his face... and he said he's worried he'll get screened and arrested. Supposedly his hunt after Hivemind hasn't been super clean... and he's wanted in multiple jurisdictions. So I've been talking to a wanted criminal this entire time... fantastic. That very quickly burnt that bridge... and I told him I wasn't going to be seen with him again. Surprisingly, his desperation actually started to show. He begged me, asking why I wouldn't listen to him and why I was so damn stubborn.

So I told him he was making an unreasonable demand. That if he had any [#$@!]ing clue about me, he would've known I wasn't just about to quit. It was silent for a bit... but then he said... "Fine, let's see how you do this month", and stormed off. Not sure what he meant by that but... it's oddly vague... and maybe a little scary. Does he know something I don't yet? Wouldn't be surprised... seems like I'm always the last to find out about threats to me personally.

[#$@!]... Maybe I should look at booking a really long vacation after all this... Have that party... maybe a spa or... two... or three... That'd be so nice right about now. Anyway... uh... sorry... I don't have time for a longer log. There's an important briefing I have to attend to today yet again... not really looking forward to this one. I hate briefings...

So yeah... I'll catch you some other time. Thanks...

====================RECORDING END====================

This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook as well as associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A special thank you to CMDR Alexis Bright for allowing me to use their character in the story!
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