Logbook entry

LOG #072 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #072
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RECORDING LOCATION: Paladin (Krait Phantom, PN-03X)

====================RECORDING START====================

... Hey... uhm...

Things are getting worse. I don't think I've mentioned it before but... Hivemind transmitted us an attack timeline not too long ago. Basically a graphic showing off the days they would... well... attack. I guess we didn't take it seriously, as all the attacks just seemed... they... they didn't seem plausible, I guess. But that changed yesterday... I uh... let's just... keep it brief - they bombed two other carriers in the squadron and killed... four-hundred people... in total...

On the previous graphic the... days were a lot more spaced out, with attacks going all the way up to the 2nd of November... but with yesterday, they just fulfilled three of their attacks and shortened the time we have for the next ones... I attached the new graphic so you can see what I mean. We had... such a long, long operations briefing about this yesterday...

Basically discussed what we would do... what the new dates meant... and... they... uh... suggested I go into protective custody... hide away...

Because... uhm...

A-... apparently I'm... I'm going to die on the 19th... according to this timeline.

Feels kind of surreal... knowing that your death is planned on a certain date - and to know about it yourself... like "oh hey... I'm going to die on this day and there's probably nothing I can do about it". [#$@!]... I-... I'm... scared... so... so scared...

... When the first timeline came out... like I said, we didn't think much of it... the dates were spread out and it was predictable... but now... Now Hivemind has shown off what they can really do... so something like this isn't out... outside the realm of possibility. Could even happen at any time...

So... after learning about the whole 'new timeline' thing, I spent most of my morning with Tori... just spending time with her... if it's the last time I see her. I just wish it wasn't so sad... she's still struggling to talk about what happened... but at least she's starting to smile now... so in the end it wasn't... too bad... facing my... 'broken friend'... I guess. I feel so bad for her... she doesn't deserve to be in that position.

But I just... I don't know what to do... I told Alexis about this... but she already knows, because the image was shared publicly on the squadron's digital concourse. We didn't discuss it much though, told her I just wanted to be alone for a little bit... so I tried going exploring with the Paladin a little to clear my mind but...

This is so much to deal with... and... the second I was alone and aboard the Paladin I just... I broke down crying... and collapsed in the bridge... It's so [#$@!]ing much... and now I know I might have five days to live... so what do I do?

Well... I had an idea but... I haven't told anyone... and I don't think I will. Uh...


L-listen... uhm... I'm not going to go on a whole... 'final words' monologue - or at least I'll try not to - but... you need to know that I'm not sitting around until the 19th to die... so... uh...

I'm sorry for whatever happens next... but I'm not giving up. This means so much to me... and I can't just lose it... I can't. I need to do something about it. So... in case the worst happens, I just want to say...

... I love you all... Really... The whole squadron is like a... uh... like a family to me. Sorry... I've said it before... I know... but it's true... it's the only thing that gives me purpose... Obi was just another job... and I never wanted to serve in the Federal Navy because of my parent's demands... but TITAN gave something special to me... It has an actual meaning, y'know?

And... if my parents ever see this... I love you guys too. E-... even if you hate me for what I did. I hope you can forgive me some day...

To all the Commanders affected by the attacks... Mal... Novus... I'm sorry... but Hivemind won't get away with this.

Alexis... Tori... I love you both... you both mean... e-... everything to me...

[#$@!]... S-sorry... uh... I guess I just did the monologue after all.

... I'm... I'm going to s-... sign off for now... can't continue recording...

Sorry. This... really sounds like a goodbye... but... I hope it isn't... It... It won't be. I promise.

I can't tell you what I'm going to do... Just... uh... Don't forget what we stand for... please.


I'll... uh... see you soon... I hope.

====================RECORDING END====================

This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook as well as associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A special thank you to CMDR Alexis Bright for allowing me to use their character in the story!
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