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LOG #091 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #091
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================

Hey... So, I don't really know how to start this off. I have some really good news... and then some really bad news...

I guess it's probably better to start off with the good news. Isabella's out of prison. One thing led to another, and I don't want to go into too much detail as to how it happened, but she's out... and she's okay, somewhat. Thanks to... someone's help... I found her aboard some outpost in an anarchy system. I hate those places... even if not all anarchy groups are 'pirates', but just the idea of having no law whatsoever, with anyone free to do as they please... It's... It's not a great feeling.

And, I still have a big red target painted on my back by the Crimson Venators, so... I didn't really want to go in there, show my face and give anyone any ideas, in case someone, somehow, recognised me. Would just complicate things...

Anyway, after asking around, the bartender of the small outpost pointed me to some... I don't know... pirate leader or something... 'Sabrina Volkov'. She happened to be there, and by the sounds of it, she was with Isabella, and may have had a hand in getting her out, so it was my best lead, I guess. She was a little dismissive at first, but it wasn't difficult to get her to tell me where Isabella was. Turns out she just rented a small cabin onboard the same outpost, and was spending hours alone in there.

So, I made my way there. I was a little scared as to what would happen when I got there, honestly... but she was there... alone... really upset. Found her behind a dividing wall in the small room, just floating there. Then I asked her if she was okay... and... well... then came the really bad news.

Thallia... She might be... gone. Isabella doesn't know how, just that... after she got out of prison, she immediately met up with Thallia, so they could spend some time together, think things through, I guess. Then two days later, Isa left her for a little bit, and just... came back... to find her ship basically destroyed. Ruined, and Thal was nowhere in sight... so naturally she assumed the worst.

Honestly... I... I don't know... but it's not like Thal to just disappear intentionally, so... Isa said she tried everything and couldn't find a trace... and... yeah. The only thing she could assume was that... that Thallia was gone. For good. I don't want to believe it either and... I... I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, but... yeah. The news broke the both of us... and Thallia's... 'disappearance'... just... added ontop of my father's death.

I don't want to talk about how I feel here, but... I just wish stuff like this would stop happening. It's not fair. I suppose I can't control it but... I wish I could stop this constant hurt...

After Isa told me, she was going on and on about Corbett... how she wanted revenge, that she thought it was his fault... Maybe it is, but we don't know what happened. We spent some more time chatting, and she calmed down a little... it didn't get better, but at least she calmed down. And the others, Sharales and Novus were here too, since I told them where she was... so we were planning to maybe meet up with them. Isa wanted a drink anyway, despite my advice...

So, we made our way to the bar... and met that damn Sabrina again. She was 'coming to check on Isabella', but in actuality she just wanted to guilt Isa into working for her. Claiming that 'they were a good team' and that Isa 'owed her'. Part of me just got so angry... wanted to [#$@!]ing hit her, but another part of me got scared of what choice Isa would make. That she might decide to just... go with this pirate. Get her revenge on Corbett that way.

And... as usual... I panicked... I didn't know what to do or say... how to convince her to stay or... whatever... But... eventually, Isabella brushed her off. That was a huge relief... but... that relief hit hard, for me. Started to think about what might've happened or... got scared I might lose her, and... yeah... Nevermind. Doesn't matter. What matters is she's safe now. We hung out at the bar for a little bit, Novus arrived but... we didn't... speak much...

Volkov sent some of her associates later, while we were at the bar, to try intimidate Isabella into submission, to come talk terms... but she stood her ground and convinced them to give her some time. That gave us the perfect cue to leave. Just so happened that Sharales arrived at that time as well, so now we had an escort. But... This is going to sound petty but...

Everyone showing up... actually, uh, nevermind. Nevermind, I won't say it. Just... I'll move on. After we were going to leave, Isa remembered she needed the stuff from her quarters. Some of it was Thallia's... and hers, obviously... so I understood that it was necessary. Important. So, while she did that, I got my ship ready for her - since she didn't have hers after all that happened. And honestly, it was nice... to spend time together as we flew back to the Solaris.

I guess maybe I'm a little clingy, but... it's been hard to find the time to talk to people, with everything that's going on. So we had a really long, personal conversation before we left the system. It was really nice... even if I was an emotional wreck, as always... Honestly, I sometimes wonder how I even became a soldier initially in CSF, with the way I act...

But I think it helped Isabella a little bit too. Maybe... put things in perspective or... I dunno. The hurt doesn't go away when you lose someone... and it'll take a while for it to become bearable for her... but we're already making some progress, so that's good. I'm just hoping we can get through this... and that nothing else bad happens. So, yeah...

I also offered her a personal quarters aboard the Solaris. I had it on my mind almost immediately when I saw that stupid cramped cabin she was staying in... and I think a personal space for her would be great right now. She actually accepted very quickly... way quicker than I imagined... so that was a pleasant surprise. Actually, her... her quarters should be done today, so I wanted to go visit. It's on the same deck as mine, so not a far walk.

Could actually go do that now... see how she's doing. I guess I haven't spoken much about squadron stuff either, but... the investigation into the Crimson Venators is still ongoing. Actually, apparently CSF killed multiple Venator operatives, and they believe they might have even taken out their leader, though whether that actually does a significant blow or not isn't really clear. I've been told they're still identifying all four of the bodies...

Guess I'll keep an eye on that. Would be nice for the Crimson Venators to be finally out of the picture.

Anyway... that's all, I guess. Feels kind of weird just... talking about all this... but remembering that Thallia is gone in the back of my head. Hard to... to comprehend... to talk about... and it always bites back later.

Well... I think I'll go visit Isabella now or something, see how she's holding up in her new quarters. And hopefully... we can work out where to go from here next...

====================RECORDING END====================

This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook as well as associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A special thank you to CMDRs Isabella Levine, SpectreKryik and Novus for allowing me to use their characters in the story!
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