Logbook entry

LOG #092 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #092
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================

Heya. So, uh... a... a lot kind of happened these last three days. It kinda feels like I'm starting every log off like this now but... it was... uh... super chaotic, to be honest.

I did go visit Isabella after my last log. Pretty much immediately afterwards... wanted to see how she was doing and... all that. She... seems to be settling in nicely, I guess. At least it beats sleeping in her ship constantly, and the nice thing was how close her new quarters is to mine. With everything that's been happening... it'd be nice to have someone to talk to, and now I do, just around the corner... and she does too.

... I... uh... guess there's not much to talk about in that regard. It's a struggle to get over losing Thallia... for the both of us. Kinda finding it hard to... realize it, I guess. It's slowly starting to settle in, that... yeah... she might be gone... but... I don't know. I don't know, it's... it's been a week and there's been nothing. Just dead ends and... more worries. I'm just hoping that at least her being able to talk about it with me is helping... since it helps me, somewhat.

... Anyway. Moving on, and speaking of dead ends... That Sabrina contacted Isa again on the 20th, the same day I went to visit her. She was saying that she knew where Thal was. Well, originally, it was just an unknown sender but... the only person who recently knew about Thallia was this 'Sabrina' person... and what else they seemed to know made it kind of obvious as to who the sender was. But... Isabella... tried everything she could to find Thal, and nothing worked.

So, I tried to convince her that Sabrina was probably lying just to get her on her side. That it'd probably be an ambush, and so on... but fast forward towards yesterday, and that... didn't really matter anymore. I guess deep down inside I shared the same curiosity as her, wondering if Sabrina really had information on Thal's whereabouts. That... yeah... maybe it was worth a try, but... going up against a pirate leader who made it clear they'd do anything just to get Isabella on their side?

Makes me kinda sick. But, she didn't go alone at least... thankfully... she asked me if I'd like to come with. Of course... I said yes. Didn't want to just... leave her to do this herself, and maybe she could use a familiar face. Honestly, I really didn't want to go, and I wouldn't've if it was just me, but... this was for Isa... and... yeah.

Anyway, at the very least, even if there wasn't any information to be discovered, I think we both hoped it'd serve as a good opportunity to tell this [#$@!%] to [#$@!] off... Sorry. I feel strongly about this because things - obviously - didn't go according to plan, and Isa got hurt... We took her... uh... Asp Scout... yesterday, to a settlement Sabrina decided on for the meet-up. Some tourist settlement in... Mikinii. Some 'visitor hostel'.

I wanted to make sure we at least were covered somewhat, so I had a single CSF team 'accompany' us, whereas they really just stayed outside the system, waiting for a call for help if one came... which it did. We got to the settlement and it was just... crawling with pirates. Seems like they might've 'paid off' the local settlement so they could garrison it for a bit or... I don't know. Point being is we were outnumbered, plus they wouldn't let us keep our weapons when we entered.

Typical... and the meeting was a waste of time. It just boiled down to Sabrina thinking that she literally owned Isa because she helped her out of prison. That's it. She probably never had any information about Thal... and just as I thought, she wanted to draw Isa in so she could 'convert her to her personal slave'... and yes... those were her exact [#$@!]ing words. Since we wouldn't go quietly and Sabrina wouldn't hold up her end of the deal, things got... worse from there.

I quickly became the expendable variable since... they didn't need me alive... just Isabella, and the guards were prepared to enforce that. Don't get me wrong... It's not Isa's fault at all. She didn't know what could've happened, and besides, I would put myself in danger easily for her, but... uhm... after Sabrina refused to provide at least some proof of the information she claimed to have, we decided it wasn't worth pursuing anymore... and that kicked things up a notch when she refused to let us leave.

Sooo... long story short... we had a massive firefight in the bar area of this tourist settlement. Some guard that recognised Isa from her last encounter in Joku... where she apparently punched him as she tried to escape... took it a bit personally, and started to fight. Honestly... she's insanely good at hand-to-hand. Way better than me... it's almost captivating to watch. But, obviously... didn't have that liberty so... we were forced to fight our way to get some weapons to defend ourselves... and... yeah.

Never been in such an intense firefight... or at least not with just one person on my side. We were still outnumbered and outgunned... and the chances of us... getting out... kinda felt slim, I guess. I don't like saying stuff like that, but... it was pretty scary. Wasn't sure what would happen. Thankfully it... could've gone worse. Isa wasn't hurt too badly, just a bit bruised and whatnot... whereas I was so lucky enough to take multiple rounds without shields.

Really glad I invested the time into reinforcing my suit. None of the rounds made it through... even though it hurt like hell. It's kinda my fault... tried to dive for a weapon since we were running low on ammo and... it was right in the middle of the room with no cover. Managed to get it though, surprisingly... and we stood our ground for a bit longer... until I tried to flank to the left and got promptly kicked in the [#$@!]ing face.

I didn't see a guy who positioned himself behind the bar counter, so when I turned the corner... he was right there and... was able to react faster than me. Broke my [#$@!]ing helmet too... which is going to be a pain to fix... but... yeah. It stunned me pretty bad... and left me kinda disoriented. Lost my grip on the rifle and... things just went downhill from there. I couldn't react and... Isa got worried and... then they surrounded us and... yeah.

Makes me really, really glad I thought of requesting that CSF team. I'd given them a signal a few minutes earlier by switching my PDA into emergency mode... and they arrived at the most perfect time... just before the pirates were going to take Isa away. That really saved us... I'm scared to think what might've happened if they weren't there. Anyway... now... at least we've established that Sabrina can't be trusted... and that we... uh... heh... we actually make a pretty good team - Isa and I...

Maybe if we'd had our own weapons, it would've gone way better with just us... but... At least we made it out. And... I'm kind of glad I took most of the hurt from that. She doesn't deserve it... not after everything she's been through. It's not that big of a deal anyway. I'm a little stiff but the suit took most of the damage... which I'll have to get repaired soon. After all that... we just... uh... decided to go back to the Solaris. That was really enough action for one day...

I feel bad for... Isa, though. Not sure if she'll ever get the closure she wants... whether Thal is still... around or not. I don't know how to feel about it either... kinda still struggling to come to terms with both my father's death and... potentially hers. I just guess it's one of those things we might never find out or... that we can't control or do anything about.

Anyway... I wanted to record this before I go for the briefing today... Need to see what's going on with the squadron, and then I guess we'll go from there...

But at least this is done with... or... at least I hope so. I'm not going to be so nice the next time I see Sabrina again... if she's still out there. Not making that mistake again. Right, whatever. I need to go now... I'm going to be late for the briefing.

Bye for now.

====================RECORDING END====================

This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook as well as associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A special thank you to CMDR Isabella Levine for allowing me to use their character in the story!
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