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LOG #093 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #093
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================

Hey. So... there's some stuff I wanted to talk about, since my last log. Things are going... okay... I guess, but... as usual there's always some kind of complication... so...

I've been... uh... hanging out with Isabella the last few days. I think it's helping her get through her loss and... all that's happening to her. And honestly... I like the company a lot. I feel like we're connecting and... I really like that. Being able to share what's on my mind... listen to what's on hers... it's been... great. More than great, actually. And, it's a nice break away from the daily briefings, being able to relax, and take my mind off things, with her.

So, if it wasn't obvious enough... she means... a lot to me. Which is why I may or may not be using squadron resources to help prove she's innocent... I can't just sit by and watch while the Empire tears her apart for something she never did. Being accused of being a terrorist. I've spent enough time with her to know for an absolute fact that she's not working for the NMLA or whatever. She's just a good person that was in the wrong place... at the wrong time.

But I guess I should probably explain why she's even being hunted in the first place. Turns out this 'Agent Corbett' - the same agent I mentioned a while ago, when she was originally arrested - is just... going for her, for Isa. Apparently her father was a Captain of an Imperial capital ship, and this 'Corbett' served alongside him in the navy, until he was convicted for war crimes and imprisoned for life. Mass-murdering civilians under the pretext of eliminating fleeing terrorists. One human being the galaxy would be better off without.

Anyway... he somehow got released. Brought into the Empire's intelligence service. Isa suspected it was because of his willingness to do... anything. Anything needed to further the Empire, or his career.... like this, locking away Isa for supposedly supplying the NMLA, which isn't true, obviously. She took a bad job that just so happened to be related to some NMLA associate, but she had no idea. That was a few months ago, and she was interrogated about it then, and released when they found nothing... but recently they caught the guy responsible and... well... here's where it gets into 'personal vengeance' territory.

So, it sounds like Corbett wasn't too pleased about Isa's father exposing what he did and having him locked up... but because her father was fairly high up in the ranks and well-respected, he couldn't really kick him down that easily. So... he went after his daughter... Isa... not realising that her father had actually died a few months ago. She didn't disclose too much about it and... I don't really want to probe... but this whole thing is too far gone for Corbett to back down now.

That's what happened about that whole prison thing... and I guess it's no point keeping the nature of her escape a secret. She took an opportunity to leave the megaship she was on... to just be free again after she was wrongfully imprisoned. But... the pirates that helped her, led by that damn Sabrina, complicated things and destroyed the megaship. Damaged its engines beyond functionality, and it plummeted into the gas giant it was orbiting.

The story's grim... yeah... but none of that is her fault. She had nothing to do with that megaship being destroyed. But... obviously, the Empire doesn't see it that way. And... I honestly thought we had more time. She thought we had more time... but I guess they realized she had escaped. That she didn't go down with the detention ship. And her next, closest association is with us... the squadron.

... so now we have Imperial agents knocking on our doorstep. They have no legal warrant to investigate us right now, thankfully... but that didn't stop them from accusing us of harbouring terrorists and stating that 'Isabella is a dangerous terrorist posing a tangible threat to Imperial society'... [#$@!]ing... makes me sick. How could they just say that about her so easily?

They can say what they want, honestly... but we're not backing down. I don't even care if they get a warrant... no Imperial agent is setting a foot on my carrier with the intention of arresting Isa. She deserves actual justice for the rogue agent who's after her - that damn Corbett... and he's going to regret ever messing with a Commander like her...

... Sorry. Feeling really strongly about this lately because-...

Ah, nevermind. I just... I don't want her to get dragged down because of this. There has to be some kind of consequence for what Corbett is doing, some kind of cold, hard lesson. And I'll be damned if we're not the ones who make him sit behind bars for the rest of his life. That's all he deserves for what he's doing.

... Anyway... I need to look into this a bit more. I know Jaiden's doing what he can, working against the clock, to see if we can find something, just something, that could help us. And I think we have some pretty good starting points that I won't go into right now.

I guess we'll see what happens... I just really hope everything pans out okay. I don't know what I'll do if something happens to her again... not after all she has gone through. Can't even begin to imagine how she feels... and how immensely strong she is to make it through all of this, while still keeping it together. I've faced less and... still crumbled way quicker than her... and it amazes me.

That's why I feel that the right thing to do is to be there for her. To do the best I can for her. Doubt I could live with myself if something happened to her and I hadn't tried every possibility to help...

Uh... anyway... I'll... I'll stop rambling now. We'll just see what happens, I guess. Find out what we can do, and go from there.

Just really hoping this all gets sorted soon... and fast.

====================RECORDING END====================

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