Logbook entry

LOG #094 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #094
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====================RECORDING START====================
Reupload Note
Sorry for the re-release of this logbook, but there was a timing issue which resulted in this logbook being released early. I've now fixed the time as intended for when the logbook was supposed to be released. This is the one time, I promise!

Hey... so... wow, that's an... uh... an entire year just... gone, I guess. Kinda hard to believe it but... yeah. Crazy... so... uh... happy new year, I suppose...

... Sorry for the... uh... gap in logs... and the delay with this one. Things have been a little busy. Well... not really, to be honest. I've just been away from the carrier and... not really given much thought to recording a log. But now that some stuff has happened, I guess it'd be a good idea to go over some things. Might as well.

So after that whole 'IISS targeting Isabella' thing back on the 26th, the Peacekeepers have been hard at work to try block them off, slowing down their investigation into the squadron. Legally, obviously... Jaiden and his team have some ex-IISS members that know the protocols... so using that they were able to stall the warrant a bit, buying us some time.

I honestly wasn't sure if we'd manage though, to be honest. I got to speak to Sharales for a bit earlier that day, along with one of his... uh... contacts, and even they mentioned what a force the IISS is. An entire squadron going up against a superpower... well... at least the arm of a superpower. And they were right... obviously... but that didn't change my mind. And I didn't want to get Sharales involved and drag him or anyone else down or anything, so...

Just wanted to do what I could for Isa, using what I had available. And... we've managed. We didn't want to be aboard the carrier in case something did happen, so... we... went somewhere. Some tourist starport nearby. Isa suggested the idea and... I just made it happen. It's amazing so far... wish I did this sooner, to be honest. Actually being able to clear my mind and relax has been just... a massive help.

And I've been able to hang out with Isa for like... the last week or so, at this starport. It's like a date. L-... like a... uhm... kinda like a 'friend date', I mean. Sorry, n-nevermind.

It's a little bit of a risk being away from the protection of the squadron, but I did make sure to have a CSF escort following us. Hell, I actually almost forgot they were docked to the same starport as us... haven't seen a single sign of them whatsoever. And - that's a good thing.

Though, ha... I... I really shouldn't have rented such a nice room aboard this station. It has a pool and like... everything one could want. Isa might just be in love with it... so it's going to be such a struggle to convince her to return to the Solaris once this all blows over... and speaking of which, it's starting to. The Peacekeepers just made progress three days ago, and now we've been able to expose that whole rogue Imperial investigation. That 'Corbett' agent is now being internally investigated... and I doubt it'll be long before he's in cuffs.

I hope so, at least. If the IISS just conducts their own 'internal investigation' by themselves, then I bet nothing will happen... so Jaiden and his Peacekeeper team are following up with their own legal action. If all goes well, Corbett's going away for a long, long time in some independent detention ship. Just what he deserves. But... now there's an additional worry on my head. The information we recovered and decrypted was a comms log... and its contents are certainly... questionable...

Turns out Corbett wants to now remove Isa from the picture at any cost... and I've become a target too. I guess I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared, but I know I at least have the CSF team watching our backs... plus the Peacekeepers will take Corbett and his associates out of the picture soon enough. Just can't believe how pathetic and desperate he is. To go after Isa through me? Just for some stupid vengeance story...


Hell, I'm one to talk... coming from the same person who hid Drake's body just so she could go after some damn mercenary group, risking hundreds of lives for exactly that - vengeance.

This year has just been... [#$@!]ing crazy. First I turn from a nobody, just some CSF combat specialist, to a billionaire Squadron Commander after the death of the first SC transferred the ownership to me... only to find out he didn't actually die, and he faked his death to work with my father to expose corruption in the Federation... then I almost got my best friends killed due to my mistakes, like at Navarro or... starting the war with Paladin... and then we lost Thallia... and then I [#$@!]ing lost my father. This all just... [#$@!]ing sucks. Hurts a lot...

But... there's good things that happened to me this year. Becoming a Commander in the first place, having all that freedom... being able to do something for the squadron like I wanted to do in the first place. Being able to meet new people and reconnect. Kind of... 'rediscover myself', I guess. Getting to see my... my father for the... last time...

It... it hurts to think about it. So much good yet so much bad at the same time. I guess I just dwell on it too much. We've been lucky to make it out of all this as unscathed as we are. Just hurts to have lost some along the way... even if we'll make it through in the end. We have to... we've done it before. Just can't forget the people who sacrificed themselves for the war against Paladin... all those CSF soldiers... the Commanders who risked their lives too...

... I'll... uh... stop... before I get emotional or something.

So, all the bad stuff aside... this tourist starport is great... and I think it's been a huge uplift to Isa as well. We're both having a great time away from... everything, really. And yeah, sure, maybe we'll have to go back eventually, but... right now, there's nothing stopping us from going wherever. I have the Templar with me, so really... could just go... anywhere. I think Isa could use the distraction. Can't imagine what she feels like being hunted by the IISS still, after all she's been through. [#$@!], even I had a partial breakdown on her behalf. Just can't see her suffering or... in pain. So, seeing her happy and... relaxed is... is immense. To me.

I suppose we'll spend a few more days out here... whatever she wants to do... and then we'll go from there. I still need to speak to her about this whole rogue agent thing but last time, she was following the whole thing along, so she should already know... since it happened a few days ago. I just really hope this all gets sorted for her. I'm not sure what's going to happen next... but I know Jaiden has it under control.

And Corbett will not get away with this. Not going to let him.

Right, I should... stop recording this and go find Isa or something. I'm sure she's wondering where I am. So, anyway... with that... here's to a much better 3308... I hope.

And thank you guys - the squadron - for everything. We've had a super bumpy road but... we're getting to the end of it, or at least it seems so. Looking forward to whatever we can do this year... once we get through the whole IISS and Crimson Venators thing.

So thanks. I'll see ya around. Bye for now.

====================RECORDING END====================

This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook as well as associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A special thank you to CMDRs Isabella Levine and SpectreKryik for allowing me to use their character in the story!
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