Logbook entry

LOG #095 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #095
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================

Hey. It's been a while but... I'm not dead. Just been... away from everything, really.

I mentioned in my last log that I've been with Isabella for like... almost two weeks now. Just kind of escaping everything. The IISS investigation and... the Venators. Not abandoning the squadron - obviously not, but... just taking a break from everything. It's stressful and... there's a lot of stuff I don't want to talk about or mention but... yeah. Got a lot on my mind. So, it was great to just spend time with Isa, and... take a breather.

And that brings me to some really good news for her. That the IISS investigation has finally been stopped, and that [#$@!]ing Agent Corbett is now in handcuffs with the rest of whoever was helping him. It sounds almost hard to believe but... a lot of effort went into exposing it. And we kind of owe it to some Commanders in the squadron who helped, so... Thank you. Truly...

Getting Isa out of this mess means a lot to me, and I hope it's the end of it. She's amazing and I can't just watch her be dragged down by something she didn't do. So, thank you. It's... super meaningful. And I honestly didn't know how much I'd enjoy our little... 'vacation', I guess, at that tourist starport we picked out. We're not there anymore... which kinda sucks... I really liked that place, but... maybe we can go back again. We had a great time together. Ha, it... kinda feels like our own little hideout spot, I guess.

Well worth the money. Anyway, so, we spent up until Monday this week hanging out at that starport, until Isa and I had a... conversation. About Styx. It's a system where she was thrown into some corporation's [#$@!] or whatever, and she ended up meeting a young girl called Violet who'd... unfortunately had her father killed in the middle of a settlement massacre in that system. What Isa did for her is... one of the reasons why I love her.

... like as a friend. Yeah, Aurora. Super convincing, I know.

So... Violet... thanks to Isa's help, made it out of there... and once everything was finally sorted out, Isa paid for a school program for her... which was an amazing thing for her to do. This was a few months ago now, so for a while Violet's been doing her aerospace engineering course and we've been... y'know... trying not to die. But having this downtime and listening to Isa's stories reminded me of Styx, so I asked her and, well, long story short, she thought it'd be a good idea to contact Violet again.

And she did... and she's here with us right now, aboard the Solaris. This week is kind of her 'break' from school, I think, and she's almost done her course so, we thought it'd be a cool idea to bring her with us and spend some time all together... and I get a chance to meet Violet as well. She's really sweet and a super smart kid. Hell, when we picked her up on Monday from the system she was staying in, I gave her an opportunity to fly my ship back to the Solaris - with guidance, obviously - and she aced it. And she's seventeen! She's awesome.

... and if I'm honest, this whole situation has kinda made me reflect on myself a bit. How much I've missed feeling... 'normal'. There's stuff I already bawled my eyes out over with Isa, that I'm not going to go into in this log, but... it kinda feels like this is what I've been missing my entire life. Isa and Violet. The squadron. Having people support me and all that. Feeling like I have an actual functional family... not one that hates and ridicules me because I haven't seen them in over four years.

... I just miss my father. I loved him, and... he was the only one who understood me, I guess. Can't believe how this all ties together... and I guess that's a nice segue to the Crimson Venators. It's been quiet from them for... a while now, to be honest... and it's dragged on so long that the Peacekeepers and Interpol just ended up closing the case. I guess we just don't have enough information to go after them, and if they're not attacking us anymore... then they're apparently not a threat anymore.

Can't say I agree with that sentiment but... the squadron's safety is important to me, obviously, so I'm not going to start a whole [#$@!]ing war like I did last time. Never, ever again.

But... they're definitely still out there. I got a message from Sharales last Friday. It was honestly really cryptic, and... I was busy... so, I couldn't make it. I had Jaiden meet with Sharales instead on the Sunday, and they discussed it. I won't say much, but Jaiden told me what's going on, and it sounds like there's a split forming within the Venators. One side that wants to continue their merc work, while the other side wants to continue their original goal of taking down the corruption in the Federation.

The same corruption that killed my father. Information he... ended up dying for because the Venators thought he would 'use it in the wrong manner'. Ruining their chance of stopping the corruption once and for all. So they just killed him.

It's been hard, but I don't want to talk about it. I'm just... bottling it up right now. Not healthy but... I don't care. Tired of dwelling on this stuff when I just want to be with Isa and take my mind off things. I haven't even spoken to Quinton recently, but... he hasn't contacted me either. Last I heard, he was planning to relinquish his Pilots' Federation license after this was all done with, but... just... he better not have left this all up to me.

Suppose it doesn't matter. I still need to go back to my parent's place and... get my father's stuff. Admittedly, I'm a little scared, so I've been putting it off. Isa's tried to encourage me to go and talk to my mother - she even offered to come with - but... I dunno. Feel like it'll just go downhill like it normally will. I can barely hold a conversation with them anymore, and I don't want to after my mother was screaming and shouting at me over that call...

Oh... The call. I didn't mention that yet. Well... directly after my last log, my mother called me... Talk about timing. She kinda launched into me the moment we started talking, saying that she couldn't believe I didn't make an effort to show up and visit after my dad died. Long story short, it turns out they hosted a [#$@!]ing funeral service without even telling me. And she was blaming it on my lack of contact that I didn't know.

So not only did I get called useless and pushed to the point of borderline breaking down again, but I missed my father's funeral and made Isa worry because I took way longer than expected to get back to our room, and she thought something had happened. I'm just glad she wasn't mad... Just worried. I didn't even think of making a note... because I thought recording the log would be quick and easy, not that I'd get a call from my damn mother.

Yeah. So now you know why I don't want to talk to them anymore. But I just... I want my father's stuff. That box he had with his badges in. They'll either just [#$@!]ing throw it away or something, so I should get them. It's the least I can do.

Then... at least... maybe I can also check if my father stored any other information about this whole 'Federation corruption plot' thing. Quinton mentioned that could be a possibility, so... I should do that, to at least finish what he started. I hope. This is probably going to backfire horribly, but... at least I have Isa by my side now.

So... I think that's it. I shouldn't get distracted too much, not sure what Isa and Violet are up to, but yeah... I'll go join them now. We're thinking of giving her a quarters aboard the Solaris, some place where she can stay close to us, and get transport from if she wants to go out or something. But, so far... it's been fun. Relaxing... and... has given me a chance for some... introspection, I guess. It helps.

It's just... not always enough...

... Anyway. I'm gonna go for now. Sorry for the gap in logs again, but... 'something, something, I'm suuuper busy or whatever'...

Thanks. Bye.

====================RECORDING END====================

This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook as well as associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A special thank you to CMDRs Isabella Levine and SpectreKryik for allowing me to use their character in the story!
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