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LOG #096 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #096
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Drake-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

====================RECORDING START====================

Heya. Sorry for the gap in logs again. Just been so focused on other stuff, it keeps slipping my mind.

But - I suppose it's time to mention some stuff again, while I have some time to do so. So... I have been spending most of my time with Isa and Violet. Violet's still doing her courses and stuff remotely, and occasionally she goes to the school to... y'know... hand in the work or... whatever. It's been a while since I've been in school myself, so I dunno, but yeah - it's whatever. We also arranged her a permanent quarters aboard the Solaris - though it's actually just Isa's quarters that I got for her previously.

It's nice and all but... usually, Isa's with me anyway, so... she doesn't use the quarters all that often. So, Violet can have it and... when she needs to go back to her school, we arrange transport for her. It's nice to have her around, to be honest. She's sweet, cute and... maybe a little rebellious, but she's just a teenager after all. I guess she never really had that much of a family... kinda like me and Isa, so I guess it's kind of our duty to fill that gap. Teach her how to be just a little bit safer and responsible in this dangerous galaxy.

So... with that being said, we did go to the CSF range aboard the carrier and practise some CQC combat, as well as firearm handling - just a handgun for starters. It... ha... it kinda reminded me of when I got my CSF training, a little bit... just it wasn't as difficult and... tiring. But, it was fun. Violet enjoyed herself and Isa and I got to take our minds off stuff a little, I guess. She's really good at the whole hand-to-hand thing... hell, she won multiple times against me... although we were just playing around. And y'know what, maybe I let her win... maybe.

Violet's learning too, as well. It's fun and... at the same time, she's learning how to keep herself safe in this galaxy. Using her skills for good. Hopefully, she never has to... but it's better she does know how to just in case. And even better if she's learning it with us... so we can... share our experiences and hope she doesn't make the same mistakes Isa and I have. So, I'd say it's going great, but obviously... can't have the good without the bad, right?

The Crimson Venators are still around, as I said... and Sharales has been keeping me in the loop with the stuff he mentioned to me last time. On the surface, it seems like things are quiet regarding them, but apparently there really is this whole inner feud going on. It's hard to understand exactly what's going on, but it sounds like Dawn - that same operative who ordered the hit on my father - isn't actually responsible for all of that, somehow.

He's being 'used' by the Venators, meanwhile he wants to stay true to their original goal of exposing the corruption in the Federation, the same corruption that made their squad defect initially. Honestly? I'm not really convinced. I would go on and say some angry words about it, but I'd just be wasting my breath. I asked Sharales to let me know next time Dawn drags him onto an operation, and to bring me with, but otherwise I could give less of a damn about what the Venators are doing. I want nothing to do with them if I can avoid it.

... Okay. Well, that's been said now...

Outside of that, the squadron actually just released a new announcement of our next expedition trip. I... wasn't around for the first three, but this fourth one sounds awesome. Admittedly, even as Squadron Commander, I haven't played much of a big part in organising this trip, but... I support it. A lot. It has a really ambitious plan but I'm really excited to go out, explore, and spend all of my time with Isa...

Yeah, yeah. I know, I spent an entire two weeks with her. Almost a month now... actually, it has been a month. Wow... How time flies, huh? Almost through January already, yikes... So much has happened last year, I... almost can't believe we're already in a new year. Some stuff is still sticking with me, though. Can't believe I missed my father's funeral service and...

Reminds me I need to seriously go back and get his stuff. I've been... distracted... or... honestly, I've been avoiding it. But, I should probably do it before we go on this expedition. Not looking forward to it at all, but... Isa helps me. She has helped me through this a lot... and... we... genuinely are there for each other. It's a great feeling, caring about someone and having them care back, so...


... Right, well... not sure what more there is to talk about. I don't really want to delve into all the personal stuff, so I'll just skip over it, but... I'm actually doing pretty good in that regard. Some struggles here and there but... I feel way better than I used to, because of Isa. So that's a... massive plus. I'm hoping that this expedition will just keep that going, and I'll hopefully make some more logs about what we find out there.

I know I've explored a little before, but it was never far and I was... admittedly a little scared to stay out for too long since... not that experienced and all that. And it was lonely. But, I'm super stoked for this opportunity. It'll be safe and... a nice breakaway from everything happening in the bubble. And I get to spend it with Isa, so that alone makes it worth it.

Anyway... that'll be all for now. I'm trying to not leave too big of a gap between logs but... I guess I'll just try get around to them whenever I can or... when I have something to share. So, thanks. See ya.

====================RECORDING END====================

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