Logbook entry

LOG #101 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #101
What does Log Publicised mean?
In our squadron lore, these logbooks are not supposed to be publicly viewable by Commanders. However, in some circumstances, a log may be compromised OR publicised, allowing it to be considered publicly viewable - in this case, the information within can be used for story or discussion purposes in-character. Compromised implies the logbook has been leaked, whereas publicised means the logbook has been willingly released for story purposes.

RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Victory-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)

OOC Author Note
This logbook pays particular respects to the amazing Isabella Levine. Aurora's logbooks have always been about her personal story, but with people getting involved in the squadron story and adding their part, it has grown to be so much more, and I'm honoured to have so many people add their bit to the story. We've passed 100 logbooks now and I owe that to everyone who has found the story interesting, or added their part. Thank you Alexis, Novus, Sharales, Lily, and Solix, as well as everyone else in our community.

But to Isabella specifically - you have been the most amazing part of the TITAN story for me. It has been absolutely amazing to have you apart of this journey and for you to add a part of your soul to this, along with writing your own stories. Aurora's character has grown and come to mean so much to me with having Isa apart of her story, and for that, I owe you my immense gratitude and respect, and I feel that deserves to be noted after all this time. There is nothing more to say than; you are an amazing writer on INARA with a great character and story behind her, but also a great friend.

Thank you for everything.
- CMDR Radiumio


====================RECORDING START====================



Well... I don't even know how to start this log off, as usual. Lots has been happening and I dropped off the grid a bit, so I'm sorry for that. Just been trying to take it easy, mostly. Spend time with Isabella and kind of... psych myself up for this year. To enjoy the trip and all that.

It's been like... 19 days or something since my last log. So, I got a fair bit to talk about. It's actually been pretty good, lately... can't really complain all that much. I've been like... spending all of my time with Isa, so it couldn't be better, to be honest. Since I... I broke my leg on the 21st last month, it's been a little bit of a hassle to move around and do stuff but it's healing nicely. It's not as bad as it was those first few days, at least.

Still don't understand why I jumped. Haven't felt like that since it happened. Like... so confused and... conflicted. Didn't feel right, I guess. Like I didn't want to jump... but I did. Doesn't make sense, nevermind.

Thankfully, Isa was so understanding about it. We worked through it, and she's been extremely helpful, and caring. I love her so much, honestly. I'll openly admit that she's the most amazing person I have ever met or seen, and if she ever reads this - she should also know she's super beautiful. Just putting that out there, honey... don't kill me... please?

Those protests that... 'caused my upset', I guess... are gone for good now, as well. Almost like the crew just went back to normal almost instantly. I find it odd but... hell, it makes things easier for me. I'd rather not have to deal with that while trying to keep the squadron safe, adds that whole extra worry. But, since then, it's been relatively peaceful aboard the Solaris.

Got to meet someone new too. Lily Flemmon, she's also another Commander. I didn't quite get the full gist of it since we met kinda quickly but apparently she's a diplomat from CTAC, they're a... uh... like an agricultural group that research all these different technologies, it's really cool. You would've thought the operations crew would've told me, but they didn't... I ended up finding out through Isa, she was talking about how Lily brought a ship called the Cuisinier aboard.

That's a whole story in of itself, but... basically, CTAC develops these synthetic foods that have really amazing properties, flavors or textures. I didn't have time to try any, but the menu looks amazing. And they're offering their services to the Solaris to help ease the worry of the crew and us while we're dealing with... the whole 'Amalgamation-unknown-threat' thing.

To say I appreciate this is... is honestly an understatement. I need to go pop around sometime when I'm not as busy, and try some of their food, but... I really hope this boosts some morale. They work on a small scale but... little by little, we can make it work.

Didn't really get a chance to visit the Cuisinier yet because... first I was recovering from a broken leg, then I'd be dragged into operations... and then on the 2nd of March, Isa and I decided to just break away from everything and take a proper, proper vacation. We went to a special, exclusive resort in LTT 12058, and let me tell you... it was absolutely amazing.

Since it was exclusive it was... actually kinda expensive but... we actually bought the room, and will get to keep it as long as we pay what's basically a retainer fee. It's out of my pocket, not that I mind... because it was for Isa, ultimately. I wouldn't have gone by myself, so I'm glad I had her along with me. We had a blast, genuinely.

To explain it as short as I can... the resort itself is situated on this landmass, on the surface of this Earth-like world, and it's just surrounded by this beautiful blue ocean. They also have this massive beach, that Isa and I spent most of our time exploring. It was so much fun. That's also why I haven't done any logs, because we were there for like... two weeks almost. So I didn't really want to spend time recording a log because... the trip was just... about us. Nothing else. Just us.

So, that'll be our little spot... whenever we want to break away, we can head to the resort whenever we want to. Because of that, I haven't been around to interact much on the Solaris but I have been keeping up with the squadron news and operations, obviously. Since my last log there has been... happenings going on. Namely, a cyberattack that targeted the Solaris, but luckily didn't do any damage.

Unfortunately, a bunch of... 'bad things' came out of that cyberattack. Well, more like one bad thing but it has a bunch of implications. Long story short, some CSF soldiers performed a recon operation pursuing a lead that might've given us an indicator of where the cyberattack originated from. It came from a satellite initially, but that satellite was just a relay. There was another source that we couldn't quite trace back.

When they got their hands on the satellite, well... Nothing bad happened at the time, but we might have a problem now. The squadron is being... hunted... or whatever... by an enemy that has access to a fleet carrier. Now, sure... maybe it doesn't sound that bad, but... this implies that whoever this is has more resources than the Crimson Venators ever had. Than Paladin, even. We never found any signs that Paladin operated out of a carrier, just isolated cells... but this? This has the potential to be bad and... yeah.

So, because of that, the operations crew wants to expand the squadron, hiring new CSF soldiers and improving the squadron's security overall, among other things like new services and all that. The initial drafted plans were fairly ambitious, but when they approached me with the final version... well... I just couldn't say no.

It was really expensive but... damn. No regrets. The hiring of personnel and so on still needs to be done but earlier today they finished the total refit of the Solaris... and it looks beautiful. They upgraded the class of the carrier to improve internal space and structural integrity, and that came with a whole slew of possibilities for better facilities and security.

I asked them to add in a few other things, namely repainting the exterior and some of the aesthetics when they refit our concourse. Speaking of the concourse area, it's massively improved now. Not only did they bring in new vendors, but the command deck is just... incredible. Isa and I went to check it out and we spent hours just... talking in the command room alone. I loved it. Feels like home, y'know? Like a real, personal home... it's great.

We were just rambling on and on, which usually happens in our quarters but there was something about that view out the window that just kept us there. Then eventually we went for a walk and just... we had a good time, overall. It's been great to take my mind off the worse stuff but... I'm still focused on the squadron. I have to be. I can't not be focused, and I get that. Just sometimes I need my mind to wander.

And wander it does, alright...

Isa and I were walking through the corridors, just chatting away and laughing, and then we reached this hallway and... obviously I'm not trying to be sappy but... Isa means more to me than anything else ever has. And so, in this hallway... she stopped and looked at me with this gorgeous smile she has... and it... it reminds me that things will be okay with her.

As long as Isa's around... I feel like I can do this. Even if it's just for her in the end. Because the squadron means a lot but... Isa means more. I love the squadron but... Isa is my entire world. I'm in love with her... not just as my best friend but as my soulmate. A genuinely amazing, kind person who... who is troubled like me sometimes, but we get through it.

Every kiss, every hug... every time she looks at me with those beautiful eyes... it's... incredible. Peaceful. I never really thought I was one for relationships, to be honest, but... I've never been so sure about anything in my life. We just work so well together. She actually... gets me. She understands the kind of things we've both been through and...

Yeah. So yes, I love her a lot... and I actually want to marry her. I didn't mention it before but we're engaged. We actually... got engaged pretty early because I broke down real fast trying to keep the ring I bought a secret and so I ended up just rolling with it. We don't know when we'll do anything like a wedding or whatever... but... we're happy. She seems so happy. And that's all I want for her. For her to be happy. As long as she is, I'm okay. And if not... then I'll be there for her. Every step of the way.


... Okay. Yeah. Sorry, got a bit... poetic there, I guess, haha~... uhm...

Yeah. I just really wanted to get that off my chest. She's probably going to kill me for saying all this on a public log but... I don't care. Isa means a lot to me and I wanted to say it. She's really the best... and it's how I feel.

Right... what else...

Well, other than the cyberattack, the possible enemy carrier, and the Solaris refit, there's not much else to talk about. We're still on TRIP Omega, now that we re-joined the route since our resort vacation, and it's currently exploring the Generation Ships - these old colony ships sent out years ago. It's cool, if not a bit spooky... but honestly I haven't kept up with it as much as I should. The operations crew has been handling Solaris operations almost entirely, with minimal input from me, but it's going okay either way.

So yeah. Right... thanks, I guess... for listening to me ramble about the love of my life and the turbulent times in the squadron. It's been mostly good, so there's that. Better than last year so far. All thanks to Isa being in my life.

But obviously, it's not fair to not thank the others so... thank you. Novus, Lily, Solix, Sharales... everyone. Thank you for being there for me. By my side and... making an effort to try help. I appreciate it so much.

So, before I sign off. To Isa, my honey - I love you with all my heart. Yeah, yeah, public logbook but... you should know that you give me the drive to continue this squadron. To do any of this. To... move on from what happened in the past, and... to be stronger. I love you so much.

Never forget it.

====================RECORDING END====================

This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook as well as associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A special thank you to CMDR Isabella Levine for allowing me to use their character in the story!
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