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LOG #107 - Commander A. Adair - TITAN Contractors

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LOG: #107
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RECORDING LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris (Victory-class Carrier, Q4V-40N)
====================RECORDING START====================


Sooo, I uh... I guess I owe an apology to anyone who read my last log.

Honestly, I wasn't going to talk about it. Hell, I wasn't even going to make another log, and I've kinda been avoiding people, but... now that we just reached Colonia and that there's some plans on the horizon that I'm really, really looking forward to, it doesn't seem right to just pretend it didn't happen. So, I'm sorry if... anyone got worried about me or anything. I'm doing okay now. Just, sometimes... I got a lot on my mind and it becomes a bit too much to deal with and... yeah. I let it get to me.

Anyway, that wasn't entirely what I wanted to talk about. As I mentioned, we finally made it to Colonia! Honestly, it's actually pretty amazing out here. I wasn't sure how being back in civilization would feel like, but there's so many diverse and unique cultures that have been allowed to independently flourish separate from the bubble. It's great. Almost makes me want to live here... might even be a nice vacation spot every now and then.

Before we reached Colonia though, we went through four last points of interest on the trip route, after the Jade Ghost I mentioned last time. We got to first see a system called 'Gravitas' which... I mean, it was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it definitely wasn't as spectacular as some of the other sights on the trip. It was just a system that contained a black hole and four neutron stars, which lived up to its name when it apparently kept setting off gravitational sensors aboard the Solaris.

After 'Gravitas', we got to see yet another POI Isa totally loved, called the 'Clockwork Nebula'. It was this blue and purple planetary nebula, centered around a neutron star - much like all the other nebulas we saw on the trip. We ended up going for a short walk on the surface of one of the planets in the system, just to see the nebula from the surface, and... well, let's just say it was well worth it.

Next up was a POI called the 'Hole In The Sky'. For most, it probably isn't anything spectacular, but it was essentially this fairly small black hole right in the center of a dark blue nebula, with this dense cluster of stars surrounding it. When you got close enough, it appeared as if the black hole was this 'hole in the sky', with a ring of stars surrounding it. It was super cool, and probably another image I'll be adding to that holoframe in my room.

Then, to end off the trip phase, we saw one last nebula, called the Sugar Stick. Isa was so gushing over this one as well, because it was a pink and purple supernova remnant. In my opinion though, being inside the nebula is cool and all, but when you're just a few jumps out and get to see it in the distance, that makes it even better. Really puts things into perspective, I think. Just the scale of it all...

And now, we're in the Colonia region! As I said, it's amazing out here. Isa and I took the opportunity to visit the famed Jaques Station, which is the only jump-capable starport in the galaxy. Well... it was. I remember hearing stories about it. Apparently, the starport was supposed to jump from a system called [:=Gliese 1269=:] all the way to Beagle Point, a gap which spans across a ridiculously far amount of lightyears across the entire galaxy. I think the number was over 60,000ly.

At the last minute, the starport had a sabotage attempt stopped aboard it, where some cultists or whatever were trying to modify the frame shift drive. The jump ended up going ahead as planned, but during hyperspace, all sorts of critical systems malfunctioned and that's when they decided to drop out to try save the station. To everyone back in the bubble, they thought the starport was destroyed, but for them... while they only jumped a quarter of their intended distance, they ended up settling in the region that would become known as Colonia!

It's been a few years since independent pilots found it out near this nebula. Then, they ultimately decided to run a lengthy repair initiative for the starport and leave it where it was, and since then a whole society has flourished out of it. Lots of people look to Colonia to escape from the bubble, and honestly, seems like a pretty good idea right about now. The infrastructure out here seems stable, there's very little conflict, the people are polite, and every service you could possibly need is here too. And, with the new Colonia Bridge, it doesn't seem too difficult to go back and forth as you please.

So hey, there you go. A little bit of trivia for you.

But... there was something else I wanted to mention.

Isa and I are gonna get married in Colonia. Yeah, yeah... almost feels like a cliché place to get married, I guess, but... she's been the biggest support in my life right now. And it's been on my mind constantly, ever since I proposed and gave her that engagement ring. And I have spoken about it with her a little bit, and she seems totally onboard with the idea... sooo~... it's gonna happen. I'm so excited.

I'm not sure when... we're yet to decide on a date, but we don't have too long in Colonia before the trip moves on, so it'll probably be next week. I'm just waiting on some more details tomorrow, to see where we can host a venue, how we can organize it, what we want to do... and whatnot. I know, I know... most people spend months planning all of this. Rushing it or cramming it into a week doesn't seem like a good idea, and I'm aware of that, but... we're not rushing. I know I want to do this.

We decided we didn't really want anything fancy. No dresses, no fancy sculptures... just the love of my life, with me... and all of our friends that are with us. Our family. Hell, after what happened last week, even Sharales came crashing into the Solaris. Literally! Well... almost. I don't even want to ask how he made it so far from the bubble to Colonia, but hey... he did. So... he's here too. I'm really nervous for this and I don't want to mess it up, but... yeah.

We'll definitely have to have a cake, though. I haven't had cake in forever, so I'm definitely not passing this opportunity up! Haha~...

... Yeah... Exciting. Fingers crossed I can pull this off.

Anyway... I've admittedly not been looking around Colonia as much as I wanted. I've been spending either most of my time thinking about the wedding, or visiting markets and stuff with Isa to check out all the local foods, go on dates, and whatnot. It's been a lot of fun, and I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Just... really glad I have her by my side. And... thank you to everyone that... tries their best to support me, and be there for me too. You know who you are. I love you all. Thank you so much.

So, yeah. Well, hopefully... I'll have more to share about the wedding next week. Can't wait.

Aaand... I think... that'll be all from me. Gotta sign off before Isa kills me for not coming to bed.

But yeah. Thank you all again. Really... I mean it.

Bye for now!

====================RECORDING END====================

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